標題: 中文口語語法與教學
Spoken Mandarin and Instruction
作者: 劉美君
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 課程首頁 本課程是由交通大學外國語文學系提供。 This class aims to introduce the Mandarin Language by characterizing its unique properties as a very different linguistic system from those in English. To know a language is similar to knowing a person. Each person has its unique personality and it is the same for each language. This course is designed to get students understand and familiarized with the ‘personality’ of Mandarin so that all the grammatical properties may make sense to the learners.
課程目標/概述 This class aims to introduce the Mandarin Language by characterizing its unique properties as a very different linguistic system from those in English. To know a language is similar to knowing a person. Each person has its unique personality and it is the same for each language. This course is designed to get students understand and familiarized with the ‘personality’ of Mandarin so that all the grammatical properties may make sense to the learners. 課程章節 課程週次 單元主題 第一週 Introduction of the classOverview of Mandarin 第二週 Beginning Chinese - An Easier Language & Historical Background of the Language 第三週 The four tonesTone Sandhi 第四週 Morphology: compounding  第五週 Inflectional Morpheme:Two different了?  第六週 Aspectual markers:了/著/過/在 第七週 Spring Break 第八週 ClassifiersReduplication 第九週 Linear order and lexical categories 第十週 Pronouns and demonstrativesPro-drop 第十一週 Negation: 不 vs. 沒Interrogatives: WH questions 第十二週 Disjunctive questions:嗎vs. A-not-A? 第十三週 Nominalization and Relative Clause  第十四週 Adverbials  第十五週 Serial Verb Construction 第十六週 Prepositions把 and 被 第十七週 TCSL textbook projectNo meeting –made up in Feb 第十八週 Final exam week 課程書目 Chinese: a Linguistics Introduction by Prof. Chaofen Sun. 2006, Cambridge. Mandarin Chinese: a functional reference grammar by S. Thompson and C. Li. Other Required materials: Your choice of a textbook or a text series that is designed for teaching Mandarin Chinese. 評分標準 項目 百分比 Attendance and active Participation 25% Mid-term Interview and report 25% Group presentation and assignment 25% Final project 25%
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=5&nid=342