Title: 環境水化學-原理及應用
Authors: 黃金寶
Open Education Office
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本課程是由交通大學環境工程研究所提供。本錄影課程為美國德拉瓦大學黃金寶教授應邀授課,授課內容與課程大綱稍有不同。
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with basic chemical principles of water systems, both natural and man-made. The course will begin with the review of general chemistry, which is to be followed by a discussion of some relevant topics in chemical thermodynamics as to establish the foundation of equilibrium chemistry in addition to understanding the importance of phase transition and equilibrium. It is then to introduce the principles and applications of chemical reaction kinetics when the rate theory, rate law and reaction mechanisms will be covered. With firm concepts in chemical equilibrium and kinetics, a series of chemical reactions of importance to natural water and water treatment practices will be covered.These topics include acid-base neutralization in closed and open systems, chemistry of metal ions,electron transformation processes, mineral dissolution and precipitation, and finally the chemical processes at solid-liquid interfaces. Overall, the students are expected to have a comprehensive view of the definition and the applications of acids and bases, complex formation, electrochemistry, in addition to colloid and surface chemistry. Especially, the evolution of aquatic particulates and their characterization and their physical chemical behaviors such as adsorption and stability in the aquatic environment and water purification systems will be emphasized.



General Chemistry
Periodic table, state of matter;chemical reaction and stoichiometry;atomic orbitals; chemical bonding;water structure.Exercise #1 (General chemistry)

First law; second law; chemical equilibrium; phase equilibrium;super critical fluids.Exercise #2 (Chemical Thermodynamics)

Chemical Kinetics
Rate laws; rate theories; reaction pathway; reactions in solution;photochemical reaction; complex reaction; catalytic reaction.Exercise #3 (Chemical Kinetics)

BrOnsted Acidsand Bases
Acid strength; pH as a master variable; analytical solutions;graphical methods;neutralization reaction; buffers and buffer intensity; acid neutralization capacity; base neutralization capacity; weak gaseous acids; weak gaseous bases; gas exchange at the water-atmosphere interface.Exercise #4 (BrOnsted Acid and Base)

Lewis Acids andBases
Coordination; metal hydrolysis; complex formation; pM as a master variable; metal ion buffer.Exercise #5 (Lewis acid and base)

General electrochemical principles; Redox reactions; potentiometric titration; fuel cells; sensors; pE as a master variable; advanced oxidation processes (AOP); reductive reactions.Exercise #6 (Electrochemistry)

Precipitation andDissolution
Solubility; precipitation; nucleation; crystal growth; chemical weathering, hydrogeochemical cycles.Exercise #7 (Precipitation and dissolution)

Solid-Liquid Interfaces
Aquatic particulates; characterization of particles; electrical double layers; electrokinetics; adsorption; colloid stability; separation, heterogeneous reaction kinetics; heterogeneous photocatalytis.Exercise #8 (Solid-Liquid Interfaces)

Werner Stumm and James J. MorganAquatic Chemistry: chemical equilibria and rates in natural waters (3rd ed.),1996. John Wiley. (ISBN: 0471511854, 9780471511854)



mid-term Exam


final exam

URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=2&nid=410
Appears in Collections:Open Course Ware