标题: Cubic planar Hamiltonian graphs of various types
作者: Kao, Shin-Shin
Hsu, Kung-Ming
Hsu, Lih-Hsing
Department of Applied Mathematics
关键字: Hamiltonian;Hamiltonian connected;planar graphs
公开日期: 6-七月-2006
摘要: Let U be the set of cubic planar hamiltonian graphs, A the set of graphs G in U such that G - upsilon is hantiltonian for any vertex upsilon of G, B the set of graphs G in U such that G - e is hamiltonian for any edge e of G, and C the set of graphs G in U such that there is a hamiltonian path between any two different vertices of G. With the inclusion and/or exclusion of the sets A, B, and C, U is divided into eight subsets. In this paper, we prove that there is an infinite number of graphs in each of the eight subsets. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.disc.2005.08.011
ISSN: 0012-365X
DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2005.08.011
Volume: 306
Issue: 13
起始页: 1364
结束页: 1389


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