標題: Direct field observation of the relative humidity effect on the beta-gauge readings
作者: Tsai, CJ
Chang, CT
Huang, CH
Institute of Environmental Engineering
公開日期: 1-Jun-2006
摘要: The effect of ambient relative humidity (RH) on hourly particulate matter (PM10) readings of P-gauge monitors has been studied using two collocated monitors in the field. The inlet air of monitor 1 was conditioned with water vapor to increase its RH, whereas monitor 2 operated normally in ambient conditions. Experimental data showed that PM10 readings of monitor 1 were nearly the same as monitor 2, as long as the RH of its conditioned incoming air did not exceed similar to 80-85%. However, when the RH exceeded similar to 80-85%, PM10 readings of monitor 1 became higher than monitor 2, and the difference increased with increasing RH. The measurement of pressure drop across the filter was also conducted, and the data revealed that the increase of pressure drop per unit of PM,, concentration decreased when RH was higher than similar to 80-85%, as compared with the case when RH was lower than 80-85%. This is perhaps because of more porous structure of deposited particles in the beta-gauge monitor when RH is greater than similar to 80-85%. The theoretical calculation using an evaporation model and a thermodynamic model has been conducted to simulate the beta gauge readings. The results show that the theoretical PM10 concentrations using the evaporation model are in better agreement with the actual beta-gauge readings than those using the thermodynamic equilibrium model.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/12176
ISSN: 1047-3289
Volume: 56
Issue: 6
起始頁: 834
結束頁: 840
Appears in Collections:Articles

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