標題: 基於腹部肌群機能之個人化腹式呼吸訓練評估方法與其系統
作者: 蕭子健
公開日期: 1-二月-2015
摘要: 本發明提出一種基於腹部肌群機能之個人化腹式呼吸訓練評估系統及方法,可客觀評估腹式呼吸效益。第一及第二感測單元用以取得多個腹部及多個胸部呼吸訊號。一資訊擷取單元根據該多個腹部及該胸部呼吸訊號而分別產生使用者腹部及胸部呼吸波形。一資料解構單元消除該腹部及胸部呼吸波形中的雜訊,以分別產生一腹部及一胸部訊號。一評估分析單元依據該腹部及該胸部訊號,計算該腹部訊號及該胸部訊號之一相關係數、一1/2胸部訊號最大及最小擴張值、及一腹部訊號最大及最小值區間長度值,並產生使用者腹部最大運動能力。 The invention provides an abdominal breathing training evaluation method and apparatus based on abdominal muscles cluster function, which can objectively evaluate efficiency of abdominal breathing. A first sensing unit and a second sensing unit are used to measure abdominal signals and rib cage signals during breathing. According to the abdominal signals and the rib cage signals, an abdominal waveform and a rib cage waveform are generated by a data extractor. A data processing unit removes noise in the abdominal waveform and the rib cage waveform to generate a pure abdominal signal and a rib cage signal, respectively. According to the abdominal signal and the rib cage signal, an evaluation unit is used to calculate a correlation coefficient of the abdominal signal and the thoracic signal so as to generate maximum abdominal exercise capability of a user.
官方說明文件#: G06Q050/22
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122789
專利國: TWN
專利號碼: 201504986


  1. 201504986.pdf

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