標題: 即時多通道自動眼動雜訊去除器
作者: 方偉騏
公開日期: 16-一月-2015
摘要: 一種即時多通道自動眼動雜訊去除器,由接收單元接收一通道中獨立成分資料,該獨立成分資料紀錄有一時間區段中的腦波訊號,暫存單元暫存多筆獨立成分資料,該多筆獨立成分資料係依據時間區段先後形成一資料段,偵測單元透過取樣熵演算法對資料段進行眼動雜訊的偵測,以產生對應該時間區段下之該資料段的取樣熵值,處理單元依據取樣熵值判定該資料段是否含有眼動雜訊以輸出一結果資料,且依據該結果資料進行眼動雜訊去除,並輸出代表該筆資料段之經處理之獨立成分資料,其中,接收單元持續接收次一獨立成分資料,且暫存單元拋棄該資料段中最舊一筆該獨立成分資料並加入新一筆該獨立成分資料以形成新的資料段,藉以持續對每一筆資料段執行眼動雜訊的去除動作。 An real-time multi-channel automatic eye blink artifact eliminator, wherein a receiving unit receives a independent component data in a channel, the independent component data represents the EEG signal in a time zone, a temporary storage unit saves multiple independent component data, the multiple independent component data form a data segment according to the time zone, a detection unit implements eye blink artifact detection to the data segment by sample entropy algorithm and generates sample entropy value corresponding the data segment in the time zone, a processing unit determines whether the data segment contains the eye blink artifact based on the sample entropy value and output a output result, then implements eye blink artifact elimination based on the output result and output a processed independent component data that represents the data segment, wherein the receiving unit continuously receives next one independent component data, the temporary storage unit discard the oldest independent component data in the data segment and add the new independent component data to form a new data segment, each data segment can be continuously performed eye blink artifact elimination.
官方說明文件#: A61B005/0476
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122795
專利國: TWN
專利號碼: 201501693


  1. 201501693.pdf

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