標題: TFT-Pin array substrate and assembly structure for flat-panel X-ray detector
作者: Tang Pao-Yun
Ho Shu-Lin
Yang Kei-Hsiung
公開日期: 30-十二月-2014
摘要: A TFT-PIN array substrate and an assembly structure for a flat-panel x-ray detector are provided to overcome the problem that the conventional scintillator substrate and TFT-PIN array substrate are neither penetrated by UV-light nor assembled by UV curable LOCA. The metal layer of the PIN photodiode of the TFT-PIN array substrate is perforated to have at least one hole, whereby UV-light can pass through the TFT-PIN array substrate to cure UV curable LOCA. Therefore, UV curable LOCA can be used as an adhesive layer in the assembly structure of a scintillator substrate and a TFT-PIN array substrate to promote the detective quantum efficiency and image quality of a flat-panel X-Ray detector.
官方說明文件#: H01L029/04
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122837
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08921856


  1. 08921856.pdf

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