作者: Ou-Yang Mang
Chiou Jin-Chern
Huang Ting-Wei
Hu Chun-Cheng
Jhuang Jyun-Wei
公開日期: 5-二月-2015
摘要: A head-mount eye tracking system including a first light source, a first pupil image capturing device, a first and a second environmental image capturing devices, a fixing device and an image identification system. The first light source is applied to illuminate a first eye of a user. The first pupil image capturing device is applied to capture a first pupil image of the first eye. The first and the second environmental image capturing devices are respectively applied to capture a first and a second environmental images in front of the user. The fixing device is mounted to the head of the user to fix the first light source, the first pupil image capturing device, the first and the second environmental image capturing devices on the head of the user. The image identification system is applied to map the first or the second environmental images to the first pupil image.
官方說明文件#: G06F003/01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122869
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20150035745


  1. 20150035745.pdf

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