標題: 池永歆、謝錦綉,2012,《發現客家:嘉義沿山地區客家文化群體研究》
Discover Hakka: Hakka Cultural Complex of Jia-yi Mountainside Area (by Yeong-hin Chyr)
作者: 戴寶村
Pao-tsun Tai
College of Hakka Studies
International Center for Hakka Studies
關鍵字: 客家文化群體;嘉義沿山地區;詔安客;客家性;Hakka Cultural Complex;Jia- yi Mountainside;Sau-an Hakka;Hakka Characters
公開日期: 五月-2015
摘要: 《發現客家:嘉義沿山地區客家文化群體研究》一書是政府部門所支持之研究成果,兩位作者先前已從事相關之研究,因此有助於本研究之執行。本書重點有地理環境、歷史過程、客家遷移、信仰文化、客家文化景觀等。其特色為結合史料與田野調查,提出客家文化群體之概念,重視生態環境與歷史發展脈絡。但家族族譜樣本仍有限,而且偏重土地開拓,客家語言表徵也較少著墨,宗教信仰除義民信仰之外,其他宗教信仰的客家性仍不夠顯著。
This book is sponsored by the Academia of Taiwan Historica. The two authors have previous relevant study experience, so completing this book was straightforward. The contents of the book include the mountainside environment, Hakka cultural complex, Hakka emigrants, Yimin (honor people) Temples, and the Hakka cultural landscape. The distinguishing feature of this book is its combination of historical materials and fieldwork research. In this book, the authors explore the importance of the ecological environment and the context of historical development. They also propose the concept of
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=41&CA_ID=420
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 4
起始頁: 249
結束頁: 254


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