標題: 對人力資本論的再省思:資訊技能訓練與資訊證照取得在勞動市場中的角色
The Study of Information Vocational Training, Certificate Acquisition and Job Mobility
作者: 黃心怡
Hsin-I Huang
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 人力資本;資訊技能進修;資訊證照;職業流動;human capital;information skill training;certification;job mobility
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在資訊革命的浪潮下,我國政府近年來也積極提供資訊技能訓練和培育資訊人才,但這種新人力資本的投入與勞動者的工作和就業之間究竟有何關係?當今影響個人進出就業市場的因素或許已不僅止於教育程度等人力資本,資訊技能和資訊證照等新的人力資本應是另一可能的重要因素。本研究以問卷調查法針對曾在資策會受訓的78名學員進行訪問,結果發現教育程度對於受訪者的影響僅在於「能否擁有工作」,而就收入與職位等工作條件來看,「年齡」反而是較具影響力的因素。此外,擁有資訊證照,能讓個人有更多的謀職機會;而擁有越多的資訊證照並不能保證獲得更高的現職收入,但可望能有較好的現職位階。總結來說,本研究結果指出在倡議資訊技能訓練時所隱含的迷思,並不是接受資訊訓練後便易於提昇職業位階,或使失業者能易於再度就業。
To upgrade industry and enhance human capital of labor, Taiwanese government enthusiastically provides varying information skill training programs in recent years. The skill upgrading debate has challenged the traditional human capital theory that suggests education is the key for job seeking and income security. In the new labor market, information skill certificates have been recognized as the important factor in determining quality of work life. This study aims at examining the impact of skill training and certificates on job acquisition and job mobility. A web-survey is conducted to 400 trainees at the Institute for Information Industry, a total of 78 responses are collected. The results suggest education is still important on job acquisition, but not on job upgrading and income increasing. The skill training program per se does not increase propensity of job acquisition, it is skill certificates that guarantee a better chance of getting a job and acquire a higher position in job title. Interestingly, income for prior job and skill certificate are negatively associated with work income which implies skill certificate might be a supplement for job seeking not an alternative for job upgrading.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123583
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 7
起始頁: 255
結束頁: 270