標題: 工作滿意與員工績效的相關性研究—以菲律賓籍現場員工為例
A Study of The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance among Filipino Plant Workers
作者: 熊金鐸
Chin-To Hsiung
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 工作滿意;員工績效;Job Satisfaction;Employee Performance
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究係以赫茲柏格( Herzberg )及馬斯洛( Maslow )的理論模型探討工作滿意及員工績效之間的相關性,並以位於菲律賓某汽車製造廠之五十五位現場作業員工為研究對象,利用統計關聯分析的方法檢驗工作滿意因素、員工個人特徵變數與員工績效之關聯性。 本研究亦分析在工作滿意因素中哪些因素為員工工作滿意度的主要促成因素,並依據研究的結果探討該公司的員工工作滿意的現況及建議未來可以進行的改善員工工作滿意度的計劃。
This study looked into the relationship of Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance using the concept of Herzberg and Maslow’s Model of Motivation. This involved fifty five direct workers or rank and file employees involved in car assembly in Philippines. Correlation of employee performance and Job Satisfaction Factors and personal characteristics variables were examined. The study also identified which among the job satisfaction factors contribute to overall job satisfaction. The implication of the most contributing job satisfaction factor as well as the improvements that need to be done in the company’s plans and programs were also discussed.


  1. 152901.pdf

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