標題: 台灣監視器系統作為集體逃避自由的機制?一種自由主義的觀點
The Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) as the Mechanisms of Escape from Freedom in Taiwan?- A Liberalism Perspective
作者: 張煜麟
Yu-Lin Chang
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 電眼;監視器;自由;監視;Electronic Eye;Closed-Circuit Television;Freedom;Surveillance
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 對當代台灣的知識份子而言,觀察台灣自由的發展,是一項不可忽視的課題;特別是從解嚴後,台灣社會走向民主與法治的社會,自由主義的基本精神,如何逐步開展到台灣社會的各層面,便是一項我們需要深入考察的問題。本文以近年來發現在台灣社會的監視器系統,作為考察資訊社會中科技與自由辯證關係的對象,藉以反思當代台灣社會在面對監視科技的使用時,所展露出來的一種集體逃避自由的現象。本文認為台灣社會以安全為由所主張架設監視器系統的論述,是一種當代現代性社會強調理性控制的非人性技術應用;而面對此種監視技術影響自由的問題上,我們不僅持續關注行政當局,是否以安全為藉口,忽略法治作為自由前提的基礎,貿然地以一種家父長式(Paternalism)的立場,推動台灣監視器系統的架設;更進一步,我們也應該反思台灣社會集體對於普設監視器的現象,為何少有反思的行動;因此,如何解釋在當代台灣社會中,民眾在面對監視器系統這項科技時,所產生的一種內在自由的讓渡與失落,便是本文所企圖回答的核心問題。
For contemporary Taiwan intellectuals, the challenge after the development of freedom in Taiwan is inevitable, especially after the lifting of the Martial Law. Since Taiwan has reached the condition of democracy and legislation, it is necessary to study the way of how the fundamental consciousness of liberalism can be spread to the whole society. This article takes the history of the Closed-circuit Television System as an example to examine of the dialectical relationship between technology and freedom in Taiwan information society, and thereby to rethinking the phenomenon of how people escape from freedom collectively while using the surveillance technology. The article claims that the security demand for setting up the Closed-Circuit Television System would be the account of the Paternalism which ignores that the freedom of expression is constitutionally grounded. However, why do people Taiwan lack the reflexive thinking concerning the Closed Circuit Television System? All in all, the focus of this article is to explain the reason why people are so submissive and thereby are deficient of internal freedom while using the surveillance technology.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123586
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 7
起始頁: 191
結束頁: 218