Title: 閱讀形式在數位媒介上的運用:以網路書店與電子書為例,建構以華人為對象之中文閱讀平臺的未來藍圖
The Application of Reading Format in the Digital Media- The blueprint of constructing Chinese reading platform from the examples of web book stores and electronic books
Authors: 林欣頻
Hsin-Ping Lee
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 網路;閱讀;書;書店;閱讀形式;電子書;web;reading;book;bookstore;reading format;electonic book
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 現有的網路書店、電子書的困境是什麼?為什麼網路書店如此難經營?電子書始終無法形成風潮?問題在哪裡?能如何解決?想像力一定要走在科技、頻寬與經濟之前,提前佈局。我想在此以一個愛書人的角度去探索這些問題,期待有人能早日創建一個:包容各種閱讀形式、有創意、充滿驚奇的未來華人閱讀平台,希望循著有想像力的創意途徑,試著走出一條屬於東方華文閱讀的新絲路,為這些珍貴的書本資產,以有趣的科技願景,找到它們新的生命出口。本文研究內容分為立六部份,自古到今到想像未來,延展出一條閱讀形式的思考新視野:1.東方閱讀形式的靈感2. 西方閱讀形式的靈感3.目前已開發之有趣的網路閱讀形式4.目前書VS.電子書,書店VS網路書店的問題5.閱讀形式的放肆想像6.以華人為對象之中文閱讀平台的未來藍圖。
Why is it so difficult to manage a web bookstore? Has it not yet developed a popular trend for reading electronic books? Where are the obstacles? How can we solve them? I would like to explore such issues from the viewpoint of a book-fan and reader and try to find out a new technical solution, which is both imaginative and creative. This paper reviews the oriental reading styles and western reading format respectively, to find out the new digital reading format and the possibilities to build new reading interfaces. Finally, this paper also provides a new reading blueprint for Chinese format.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123609
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 6
Begin Page: 313
End Page: 340
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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