標題: 網路書店使用店配服務消費者之顧客忠誠度
Customer Loyalty of On-line Bookstores for Consumers of Retailing Delivery Service
作者: 葉怡珊
Yeh, Yi-Shan
Feng, Cheng-Min
Huang, Yu-Kai
關鍵字: 電子商務;網路書店;店配;服務品質;RASCH;結構方程模式;E-commerce;On-line bookstores;Retailing Delivery;Service quality;Rasch Model;SEM
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著電子商務的成長,博客來網路書店在2006年總營收為11.5億元,其成長率達65%,而金石堂網路書店的總營收則是7億元,成長率達100%,因此上網購書已經成為一個值得注意的市場。店配服務提供消費者一個安全的取貨方式,對於不方便使用宅配服務的消費者而言,是十分方便的,大約有90%以上的消費者上網購書後會選擇使用店配服務,因此上網購物,超商取貨是台灣網路書店最主要的物流模式。 本研究使用Rasch模式來修正網站服務品質以及店配物流服務品質量表,以使模式與資料的配適度良好,此外探討台灣主要網路書店,博客來與金石堂網路書店之網站服務品質.店配物流服務品質.知覺犧牲.服務價值.顧客滿意度.轉移成本與顧客忠誠度之間的關係,進而比較這兩家網路書店的路徑結果 。 研究結果發現,博客來在網站服務品質以及物流服務品質對顧客忠誠度的影響不顯著,而金石堂則是轉移成本對於顧客忠誠度的影響不顯著,這樣的結果指出,雖然博客來與金石堂同為網路書店,但他們在性質上還是有很大的差異。最後,針對研究發現,為網路書店提出一些建議以提升他們的服務品質,進而增加市佔率。
Since electronic commerce has observed considerable growth, the growth rate of BOOKS.com was 65% in 2006 and the amount of business volume was NT $1.15 billion. In addition, the amount of business volume of KingStone on-line bookstore was 0.7 billion with 100% increase. Ordering books on the Internet is obviously becoming a significant market. Retailing delivery (RD) service provides consumers with a self pick-up approach, so it is popular for those who cannot conveniently use home delivery service. Therefore, shopping on the Internet and picking-up at convenience stores is the major logistics model for on-line bookstores in Taiwan. This study used Rasch Model to refine the questionnaire to let the model fit the data well. It also investigates the relationships among e-service quality, logistics service quality, perceived sacrifice, service value, customer satisfaction, switching costs, and customer loyalty of the two major on-line bookstores in Taiwan, BOOKS.com and KingStone. And compare results of these on-line bookstores to find out the differences between them. The empirical results demonstrated that the effects of e-service quality and logistics service quality to customer loyalty of BOOKS.com sample and the effect of switching costs to customer loyalty of KingStone sample are not significant. These results reveal the distinguishing characteristic of these two on-line bookstores. Finally, provide some suggestions to the managers of on-line bookstores to increase the market share.


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