Title: 近五年來臺灣傳播學界博碩士論文使用網路問卷研究方法之后設分析
A Study on Online Survey Methodology in Degree Theses in Taiwanese Communication Graduate Schools in Recent Five Years.
Authors: 林承賢
Cheng-shiang Lin
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 網路問卷;電子郵寄問卷;問卷回收率;online-survey;response rate;survey technique
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 網路問卷研究方法因其節省成本、施行便利及匿名性等優勢而成為學術研究,特別是學位論文,常使用之新興問卷調查方式。對於網路問卷相較於傳統問卷施行方式之相異處及衍生之問題,學界已累積若干之探討。本研究則嘗試以建立編碼表加以編碼統計方式,分析近年來學位論文對網路問卷研究方法之實際使用情況,以期對網路問卷研究方法目前使用現狀及未來發展暨網路研究方法之學術探討有所裨益。 謹選定我國傳播相關系所近五年來之博碩士論文作為對象,利用全國博碩士論文資訊網及國家圖書館館藏逐本編碼後以統計軟體加以分析。由範圍內之1001篇論文中篩選使用問卷調查法之論文291篇,再加以篩選取得42篇使用網路問卷調查法之論文作為編碼對象。 分析結果發現:目標論文中,使用網路問卷研究方法之論文主題多與網路相關;施行上,於網路上刊登問卷供受訪者連入作答之論文較將問卷以網路寄予受訪者供填答後寄回之論文佔多數;少部分論文並用其他問卷施行方法輔助網路問卷之進行;而刊登網路問卷之網路介面全數為全球資訊網(WWW),寄發問卷或問卷邀請之介面則多為電子郵件(E-mail);問卷要求受訪者填入個人識別資料(如姓名、電話及住址等)之比例較低而要求受訪者填入網路識別資料(如網路會員帳號、電子郵件信箱等)之比例較高;半數以上之論文曾提及以贈獎或舉辦抽獎活動方式吸引受訪者填答問卷。總結對象論文之有效問卷回收率(以寄發問卷或問卷邀請函計算)平均約為百分之四十點七,回收時間為十七點二天,回收時間內每天平均可回收七十九點四份有效問卷。
Online-survey is commonly used for it is costless, easy-to-apply, and anonymous. The purpose of the present study is to understand its practical usage in Taiwan’s communication researches. Forty-two dissertations and theses from communication related graduate schools and departments for the past five years were coded and statically analyzed. Findings show that most of the studies were Internet-related researches. Posting questionnaires online for respondents to connect and answer was more frequently used than sending electronic-questionnaires to respondents directly (68.3% vs. 37.1%). All studies posting online-questionnaires used WWW as interface, and most theses distributed electronic-questionnaires or inviting mails via E-mail (others via BBS-mail). In these questionnaires, online identification data, like ID codes or E-mail addresses, are more often asked to fill in than personal identification data like names, telephone numbers or addresses. More than half of the studies provided incentives to promote response. Average response rate (counted with the numbers of questionnaires or inviting mails sent) was 40.7%. Average time-lag for collecting data was 17.2 days. 79.4 questionnaires responded per day in average during that period.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123611
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 6
Begin Page: 25
End Page: 57
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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