Title: 從網路援交現象省思主體消失與主體建構提論
Rethinking Disappearance and Construction of Subject from the Phenomena of"financial aid by sex"on Internet
Authors: 胡敏琪
Min-Chi Hwu
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 網路援交;性觀念;主體消失;主體建構;Financial aids by sex;The concept of sex;Subject disappearance;Subject construction
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本研究企圖透過對網路援交的瞭解,發現網際網路促成援交興盛的原因:包括電腦的方便、隱匿、與逃避等特性,和網路社會的人際關係為一種弱紐結、具有去個人化的現象,形成越常使用電腦者因為工具的接近性越容易產生援交行為;此外,電腦網路帶來公、私領域混淆,造成自我與他者的難辨,主體理性批判能力下降也是原因之一;同時加上外在環境性觀念的開放,資本家對語言符號和媒體的操弄,使得援交非但沒有因為是外來的流行現象而退燒,反而成了具有台灣特色的性文化一環。 基於對重建台灣性文化與性觀念的關懷,認為時下常被提出的「主體消失」概念,若無妥善的理解將造成主體意義的喪失,進一步也無法形成集體的共識。至於本研究主張的「主體建構」是一種基於社會實踐的提論,強調主體理性,也認同主體間具形上的同一性,因為只有承認主體具有同一性,如此方能具有建構一個新的社會性價值或性觀念的可能。
The intention of this paper is to find the reasons why the internet the hotbed for the phenomenon of “financial aids by sex” (student prostitution). Is the internet is characterized by the convenience of computer network, the characteristics of both anonymity and avoidance. The interpersonal relationship of the network society is so a kind of and depersonalized weak tie. Therefore, it is easy to have the behavior of financial aids by sex because the computer user is in a highly depersonalized environment. Besides, the indifference of self and otherness, ambiguity of private and public sphere, the declination of ability of subject’s rationality are all produced by the computer network. At the same time, the openness of the concept of sex, the language and symbol controlled by capitalist also contributed to the this sex culture.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123631
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 5
Begin Page: 359
End Page: 384
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society