標題: 酷兒空間的情慾操演:以男同志三溫暖為例
Gay Saunas: Mapping Queer Space and Performing Gay Men's Sexuality
作者: 陳俊儒
Chen Chun-ju
I-chu Chang
關鍵字: 同志三溫暖;空間;情慾;表演;遊戲理論;儀式;gay saunas;space;sexuality;performance;play theory;ritual
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本文主要探討台灣男同志三溫暖裡的空間情慾操演,以及在此空間裡的情慾互動與影響。從80年代開始,男同志三溫暖一直在台灣同志文化裡扮演重要角色,在此空間裡,男同志藉由運用彼此的肢體語言與互動模式開創出屬於自己的樂園。透過此類的情慾互動與性愛表演方式,男同志掙脫了異性戀的情慾架構,反映出另類的情慾需求與求愛模式,同時連結出自己的性愛網絡及社群。 透過遊戲理論的分析架構,從男同志在消費時,近似遊戲的互動中,控制與創造出一個暫存的情慾秩序。在這遊戲場域裡,男同志可以主動參與並發揮個人身體魅力來吸引玩伴,或被動地等待他人的邀約。在此時空下,似乎進入一種充滿可能性的情慾遊戲場域裡,並開擴了感官享受的新領域。 本文旨在試圖從最初的身體感官享樂表演進入到參與者的情慾主體的發掘, 因此在藉由表演理論的儀式概念探索經由集體情慾互動演出,進入一個脫離日常生活,打破文化限定角色行為,處於一種流動無礙的交融群體之中,進而產生了暫時性且不受約束的情慾演出。個體的情慾感官經驗在此場域裡達到高潮與解脫, 而此解脫可以說是最直接的情慾主體與身體政策的表現。
My thesis is aimed at investigating how gay sauna patrons can freely perform a wide range of dissident sexuality and how the spatiality of sauna impinges impact on gay patrons’ sexual identities and erotic expressions. Taiwan’s gay saunas, as a part of queer landscapes, have constantly generated multiple meanings and made undeniable influences on gay men’s sexuality and personal lives. They provide gay men with erotic site/sight to explore sexuality and to expand their network and communities. In particular, they seem to offer an escape from various oppressive apparatuses of social and sexual lives in real world. My analysis on the performance in gay sauna will focus on: how sexual interactions between gay patrons are structured and conducted; how the setting functions to enhance sexual communications, negotiations and encounters; what strategies are taken by patrons to satisfy their sexual needs. In my investigations, I will apply Richard Schechner’s theories of performance and Victor Turner’s theories of ritual. These theories allow me to explain the rules and codes during the ritual process in gay saunas, which intrigue bodily communication between the clients as performers and spectators. I intend to elaborate the correlation of space, performers, spectators and the elements that determine the process of a ritual performance. Furthermore, by employing Turner’s theory of “liminality” and “communitas,” I aim to investigate the political meanings of the ritual-like sex performance which subverts the basic hetero-sexual normative structure with alternative sexual activities.


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