Title: 「網路空間」的控制邏輯
The Ruling Logic of"Cyberspace"
Authors: 劉燕青
Yan-chin Liu
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 網路空間;控制;意識型態;權力;Cyberspace;Control;Ideology;Power
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 網路所建構出來的網路空間並不是一個的既存空間,而是在發展過程中逐漸形成的一個空間概念﹔網路發展的過程將會決定網路空間的表現特徵。 大部分網路使用者都視為當然地接受「網路」的特性。然而,誰規定或決定網路就是目前的面貌呢?自從問世以來,網路一直被賦予諸多樂觀美麗的迷思。在我們所「認定」的自由、無控制的網路空間也是虛幻、被想像所建構的,我們已落入建築於「網路空間」的意識型態中,未察覺到網路霸權對我們的控制。
Cyberspace that constituted by the Internet is not a fully existing space but rather an on-going developing spatial notion. The distinctiveness of cyberspace is determined by the unique history of the Internet. Almost all users taken-for-granted accept all characters of the Internet supposed to be. Yet who actually determined the uniqueness of the Internet we now used? Since the first day the Internet was created, it’s always a beautiful optimistic myth. However, power and hegemony along with all kinds of control constitute the so-called cyberspace. We need to criticize this kind of optimistic ideology.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123634
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 5
Begin Page: 283
End Page: 303
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society