Title: | 科技與人:從「齊、物論」到「齊物、論」 Technology and Human: From Seeing All Discussions about Things Equal toward Seeing all Things Equal |
Authors: | 施盈廷 Ying-Ting Shih Department of Communication and Technology 傳播與科技學系 |
Keywords: | 莊子;齊物論;科技;存在主義;海德格爾;Chuang Tzu;Discussion on Making All Things Equal;Technology;Existentialism;Heidegger |
Issue Date: | 2003 |
Abstract: | 本文嘗試以近代對科技的論述作引子,提問人們面對科技時所應採的立場,為解答此一疑問,我們回頭質問科技的本質為何,在此我們採用Heidegger的論點來說明科技之「流行觀念」與科技本質的差異。當Heidegger在論述科技本質是一種對人的強求時,他認為出路在於「有關存在的思想」,因此我們嘗試從存在主義尋找解答。西方存在主義所強調的是個人獨特存在,及真正存在的觀點,這或可闡明人們對物之論本來就不齊,因而得以用不齊齊之。但本文以為以「物論」本不齊,而齊「物論」,並未達致齊「物」的境界,因此,再援引莊子的<齊物論>來接續存在主義的觀點,希望藉<齊物論>再度展現出人與科技的另一種可能的聯繫方式,即「天地與我共生、萬物與我為一」,此境界在實踐上有其難度,但在心態上卻可供處於科技包圍之世界中的人們獲得反思的機會,若能促成反思,則本文目的即已達致。 By introducing discussions about technologies in our modern time, we propose our question: what position human beings should take while they confront with technologies. To answer this question, we draw on Heidegger’s interrogation about the essence of technology and perspectives of Existentialism about how human beings exist to illuminate our further way. But we suggest arguments of Existentialism are merely the first step, we need a further step. That is the idea, “From seeing all discussions about things equal, the first step, toward seeing all things equal, the further step”, learned from “Discussion on Making All Thing Equal” of Chuang Tze. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123637 |
Journal: | 資訊社會研究 Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society |
Volume: | 5 |
Begin Page: | 209 |
End Page: | 233 |
Appears in Collections: | Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society |