標題: 技術中介的人與自我:網際空間、分身組態與記憶裝置
Technology-mediated/Ing Personhood and Selfhood: Cyberspace, the Constellation of Subjectivity, and Memory-devices
作者: 王志弘
Chih-Hung Wang
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 人;自我;技術;網際空間;分身組態;記憶裝置;personhood;selfhood;technology;cyberspace;constellation of subjectivity;memory device
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 近來有關網際空間與認同或身分形構的討論,大多未深切考察網際空間作為一種技術產物的作用,或是簡化了技術與身分構築之間的關係(例如主張網路的技術特性支持了水平、分散的人際關係),從而偏向於探討兩種「社會世界」或「生活世界」(真實VS.虛擬)之間的對比或辯證。本研究則鎖定「技術中介的人與自我」為立論基礎,首先檢討既有的網際空間與自我論述的主題,指出其執著於虛假真實之分。其次,筆者借道海德格的技術觀點,視之為涉及人類存在條件模式的揭顯,來奠定「技術中介的人與自我」狀態的命題。本文並以「人機合體」和「補缺」這兩個概念來掌握人類-技術複合體的動態和內蘊緊張。最後,本研究創造「分身組態」概念來掌握「技術中介之人與自我」,並以「記憶裝置」概念進一步引申其意涵。本文主張,網際空間裡的自我概念,必須放在更廣泛的「技術中介之人與自我」的「分身組態」架構裡,超越真假之辨,以考察這種如網絡狀散佈連結,而且變動不定的自我存在樣態的歷史演變、權力關係,以及社會衝擊。
The argumentation of this article deals with the 'technology-mediated/ing personhood and selfhood' thesis. Firstly, the author suggests that most discussions about selfhood in cyberspace ignore the technological dimension and are trapped in the dichotomy between the real and the virtual. Borrowing Heidegger's conception of technology as the fundamental condition of existence of human being, the author formulates the thesis of 'technology-mediated/ing personhood and selfhood'. This paper also illustrates the dynamics and tension of this human-technology complex through 'cyborg' and 'prosthesis'. The author employs the concept of 'constellation of subjectivity' to make sense of 'technology-mediated/ing personhood and selfhood', and further extends in the meaning of 'memory device'. The author argues that we should discuss selfhood in cyberspace in a more general framework, transcending the dilemma between true and false by exploring the historical trajectory, power relation and social consequence of this network-connecting condition of human existence.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123658
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 3
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 24


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