Title: 網路同志運動的可能與不可能
The Gay Right Movement in the Internet: Is It Possible Or Not?
Authors: 張盈堃
Yin-Kun Chang
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 網路;同志運動;異質空間;Internet;Gay rightness movement;Hterotopias
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本文所關注的焦點在於:作為同志自我改造的同志運動,當它與網際網路相遇時,將產生什麼樣的社會效果?是同志運動將因與網路結合而如虎添翼?還是,傳統同志運動所創造衝突現場影響社會走向的動力,將被網路所消解? 就可能面,同志運動藉由網路凸顯同志主體性,而且網路匿名意義與運動訴求的正當性呈現負向關係,即越缺乏社會正當性的團體與運動訴求,越需要網路匿名性質來阻擋外界的砲火。就不可能面,網路同志運動仍存在許多限制,本文從「網路是否真的具有匿名性」、「網路的單向性與單階性」以及「網路使用的門檻」等三方面加以反省。雖然同志們比較願意在網路世界中進行連署,對同志運動而言有正面的幫助,但網路抗爭本身的力量也因較不具媒體可見度與抗爭衝突性,反而消解同志運動的影響力。
The main issue in this paper is the gay rightness movements in the internet, and discusses this dialectic question: What kinds of results will happen when the gay right movement turns its struggle field to Internet or cyberspace? Would the internet create new field for gay right movement and promote its influence to react heterosexual hegemony, or would Internet limit the possibility for the gay right movements because it will segregate the struggle field only in the virtual space? In this paper’s analysis, the gay rights movement in the internet has some advantages and limitations. The best advantages are anonymity. It helps gay community to adopt collective come out in the public and represent their subjectivity. Thus, Internet is like Foucault’s concept of “heterotopias” and Fraser’s concept of “subaltern counterpublics.” It will solidify identity within gay community on the one hand, and it also will develop dialogue opportunities between heterosexual and homosexual groups on the other hand. However, the internet still has some limits for gay rightness movements, such as “internet is like panopticon,” “one-dimensional interaction and monologue” and “cultural capital limits minorities assessment.”. In spite of some positive functions, the gay rightness movement in the internet is easily inclined to expressive movement which will decrease its conflict effect and ignore material struggle. The Internet offers the alternative channel for the gay right movement, but it’s limits are stronger than its functions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123662
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 4
Begin Page: 53
End Page: 86
Appears in Collections:資訊社會研究


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