標題: 臺灣公用電話虧損地區普及服務政策的探討
The Study of Taiwan's Universal Service policy on the Zone with Uneconomic Public Phone
作者: 黃偉倫
Wei-Lung Huang
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 不經濟公用電話;生產效率;資料包絡分析法;修正Malmquist生產力指數;Uneconomic Public Phone;Production Efficiency;Date Envelopment Analysis;Modified Malmquist Index
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 爲了探討公用電話虧損地區普及服務政策,本文以資料包絡分析法及修正之Malmquist生產力指數法評估臺灣公用電話虧損地區的公用電話生產效率,並檢定普及服務提供業者存在代理問題及補助方式、公話人口密度、公話面積密度與偏遠地區會影響不經濟公用電話生產效率等假說。由研究結果可知,臺灣公用電話虧損地區的公用電話維持高技術效率值,但規模效率及生產效率較低,且普及服務提供業者存在代理問題,而補助方式、公話人口密度及公話面積密度對生產效率有顯著影響,偏遠地區對生產效率沒有影響。
For the study of Taiwan's universal service policy on the zone with uneconomic public phone, this paper uses Date Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Modified Malmquist Index (MMI) to evaluate the production efficiency of its public phone. Then, this paper tests the hypotheses that there is the agency problem with Taiwan's universal service providers and its subsidy mechanism, its population density and its area density of public phone, and its special regulation in remote districts would influence the production efficiency of its public phone. The results are that its public phone has high technology efficiency and low scale and production efficiency, Taiwan's universal service providers has the agency problem, its subsidy mechanism, its population density and its area density of public phone had significantly influence on the production efficiency of its public phone, but its special regulation in remote districts hadn't.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123672
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 19
起始頁: 33
結束頁: 69


  1. 2011013369.pdf

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