標題: Heidegger的哲學思想與資訊科技
Heidegger's Philosophical Thought and Information Technology (IT)
作者: 黃厚銘
Hou-Ming Huang
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 海德格;科技決定論;天命;座架;模控空間;空間性;速度;Heidegger;determinism;destiny;Gestell;cyberspace;spatiality;speed
公開日期: 2001
摘要: Heidegger是當代對科技最有思考的思想家之一。時值資訊時代,資訊科技正以風起雲湧之勢而來,基於他在技術哲學上的地位,及其建立人類與科技間適切關係的用意,我們有必要援以為思索資訊科技、尤其是網際網路的參考依據。依循Heidegger的見解,本文主張,科技與科技應用是有所不同的,科技應用是科技特性與社會文化互動的結果。對資訊科技進行思索,正是為了掌握資訊科技對社會文化的影響,以期在兩者間形成一個良性的循環。在Heidegger的名著《存有與時間》當中,他還點出現代人對速度的追求,應有其本體論上的理由。本文主張,資訊科技的速度革命使得等待所蘊含的代價隨之提高,以及事情在短時間發生變化的可能性大增,這又促使我們更加熱烈追求速度革命。此外,本文採納了Heidegger對實物的與本體論的認識方式之區分,主張日常生活的本體論認識方式是一種關切的態度。而此一關切態度所蘊含的涉入才是空間性的基礎。同理,模控空間的空間隱喻也是植基於使用者的涉入與投注(illusion),而無須預設客觀物理空間的存在。並且,模控空間也如同Heidegger對安居所做的分析,已成為網友們滿足自由與安全心理需求的無何有之鄉。
Heidegger is one of the influencing thinker of modern technology. In this essay, we extend his thought to reflect on the relationship between human beings and information technology (IT). We insist that the application of technology is not determined by technology alone. On the contrary, the former is the outcome of the interaction between characteristics of certain technology and the socio-cultural context wherein the technology is applied. Therefore, like Heidegger, we emphasize that IT is our destiny, not fatality. It demands our reflection. And according to Heidegger, there are some ontological reasons for our pursuing for more and more speed. Even so he did not make them clear for us. In this paper, we try to utilize Heidegger's analysis of temporality to clarify why speed is the critical point of the development of IT. Besides, following the demarcation between ontological and ontic knowing, which is made by Heidegger when he talked about spatiality, we conclude that the experience of involvement is the reason why cyberspace, the spatial metaphor of internet, is adopted by netizens.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123673
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 1
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 31


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