標題: 以社會能供性觀點探討資訊科技認知對合作意願影響之研究
The Cognition of Information Technologies and Its Influences on the Willingness for Collaboration in the Light of Social Affordance
作者: 劉欣飴
Hsin-Yi Liu
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 組織溝通;協同合作;社會能供性;資訊科技能供性;媒介豐富度理論;社會資訊處理理論;collaboration;social affordance;IT affordance;network analysis;organizational communication;similarity/attraction paradigm
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 資訊科技社會能供性的概念指出科技特性將影響人們選擇與他人聯繫的可能性。組織行為同質性的相關研究指出,認知的契合度是影響雙方能否建立良好互動關係的重要因素。故當資訊科技能供性的認知不同時,互動時能獲得的資源及機會也將有所別。本研究以某公司的整合行銷業務部門為樣本,採個人中心網絡提名的網絡分析法,探討溝通雙方對資訊科技能供性的認知對協同合作意願之影響。結果發現,處理相同或不同的工作任務時,成員對媒介物理特性的認知不盡相同。資訊科技的社會能供性,在不同的溝通任務上確實產生不同的意義,人們會考量自己知覺到的資訊科技能供性來選擇媒介,而影響與他人聯繫的可能性,當資訊科技所能提供的不同服務內容有差異時,社會機會也會不同。
In this dissertation, the author attempts to know how the notion of IT's social affordance influences the possibility of people's options for the connection with others. According to the research regarding the homogeneity of organizational behavior, the degree of cognitive correspondence is a significant factor for building up an interactive relation. Therefore, ever since the perception of the affordability of IT varies, the resources and chances one gets from interaction will be differ too. In this research, the ego-centric name generator network analysis is proposed to be examined. 20 questionnaires were collected from one department of a company. The result is that, different IT affordance cognition is proved. The members have different IT affordance cognition when dealing with the same or different tasks. meaning that as the members have different IT affordance cognition, different social affordance opportunities will be produced.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123710
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 16
起始頁: 89
結束頁: 134
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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