標題: 超越召喚:線上遊戲的快感從Žižek的觀點解析線上遊戲的意識型態運作
Beyond Interpellation: Enjoyment in Online Game from the Perspective of Žižek to Analyze the Ideology of Online Game
作者: 林宇玲
Yu-Lin Lin
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 召喚;自傳式民俗誌;快感;爽;意識型態;齊澤克;線上遊戲;interpellation;autoethnography;enjoyment;jouissance;ideology;Žižek;online game
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本文嘗試從Žižek的觀點,發展出一套解析線上遊戲意識型態的分析策略,並輔以實例來說明。首先,本文介紹Žižek對Lacan完整欲望圖的詮釋和對傳統意識型態的批評,試圖以其「超越召喚」的訴求,走出文本分析的侷限。其次,利用完整欲望圖的兩層次-即意義層和快感層,發展一套解讀線上遊戲文本的意識型態分析策略。 最後則以目前風行的免付費線上遊戲【楓之谷】,進行自傳式民俗誌的實例解讀。作者利用親身經驗來說明線上遊戲如何在無意識層面發揮意識型態的效果,同時配合玩家的電玩實踐一再生產遊戲的信念。本文試圖藉由個案進一步解釋Žižek的「超越召喚」觀點,如何用來彌補傳統意識型態研究的不足。
Based on Žižek's work, this paper tries to develop a set of strategies online game Maplestory as an example. This paper includes three parts. In order to go beyond textual analysis, first of all, this paper introduces Žižek's interpretation about Lacan's complete graph of desire and his critique of traditional ideological studies. Secondly, based on the two levels of complete graph of desire, this paper develops a set of strategies of ideological analysis to examine the ideology of online games. Thirdly, this paper is engaged in auto-ethnographic reading Maplestory, a free-of-charge massively multiplayer online role playing game, in order to explain how the online games exercise their ideological effects in the unconscious aspect and how the gamers reproduce the beliefs of online games through the process of playing. Moreover, this paper also tries to affirm Žižek's idea that 'beyond interpellation' is a necessary complement to traditional ideological studies.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123724
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 18
起始頁: 245
結束頁: 274


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