標題: 美貌的詛咒:男性凝視在網路相簿的權力探索
The Curse of Beauty: Power of Man Gaze on Web-Photo-Album
作者: 張玉佩
Yu-Pei Chang
Meng-Ju Yeh
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: 凝視;觀展;網路相簿;性別文化;美貌神話;Gaze;Spectacle;Web-photo-album;Gender Culture;Beauty Myth
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本文探討網路相簿展現「觀看」與「被觀看」的凝視關係,探索網路相簿裡男性凝視所呈現出的性別文化與權力關係。研究採取深度訪談方法,以網路相簿觀看者為主要的研究對象,訪談十位常駐網路相簿的觀看者,男女各半,聚焦於性別差異對觀看行為的影響,並藉此解構隱藏在網路相簿與網路美女之下的男性凝視權力關係。 研究結果發現,在網路相簿與網路美女的文化氛圍裡,凸顯著當代美貌神話的建構。在網路相簿展現的網路美女照片裡,男性凝視流竄在眾多挑逗性感、訓化後的女性身體,此種凝視目光讓男性觀看者順利滑入賞玩女性身體的既得權力者位置,也享受著賞玩權力的樂趣。相對地,此種凝視目光同樣讓女性觀看者迅速滑入「被凝視的」被看者角色位置,因感受到緊張、不安的情緒而規訓自己、邁向精雕細琢的美貌之路。
This study explores how the power of man gaze influences on web-photo-album which bases on observations of relationship between man/viewer/gazing and woman/performer/gazed. We interviewed ten heavy users of web-photo-album and tried to understand why they like to watch sharing photos on the web, what they like, and how they think about the mastery of web-photo-albums. The results indicate that the myth of beauty and gaze power dominate the communication culture on the web-photo-albums. On the one hand, male viewers occupy the subjective gaze-positions and enjoy the pleasures of power following the gaze of girls’ bodies. On the other hand, female viewers identify themselves as the objective gazed-positions and are anxious about threatening of gaze power.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123740
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 15
起始頁: 249
結束頁: 274


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