Title: 新聞網站服務品質及品牌形象之研究
A Study of the News Website Service Quality and Brand Image
Authors: 吳奇為
Chi-Wei Wu
Chung-Yang Liu
Yeh-Hsiang Hsu
Department of Communication and Technology
Keywords: 新聞網站;品牌形象;網路服務品質;顧客滿意度;news website;brand image;e-service quality;customer
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 在大量的網站當中,新聞網站面臨了各式相同或是相類似的網站強力的挑戰,而對新聞網站經營者而言,最重要的就是如何在同質性高的競爭態勢中建立屬於自己獨特的品牌形象,並以此作為媒體長期經營的競爭優勢。另一方面,媒體企業在新聞網站上要滿足使用者的滿意度,自然就是以提升網站服務品質為要務,如此才能建立網站使用者固定的使用習慣。 因此,本研究欲探討新聞網站的服務品質、品牌形象與顧客滿意度三個變項之間的影響,以針對其網站的形象及服務內容作一衡量。研究結果發現: 1.在新聞網站對於顧客的服務品質當中,以實現性影響該網站的品牌形象最為顯著,效率性、系統可得性以及隱私性則在累積網站品牌形象上較不具有直接的影響。 2.新聞網站服務品質之效率性及系統可得性對於網站使用者的滿意度有顯著之影響,而實現性和隱私性則較不為網站使用者使用時所重視的。 3.本研究資料分析顯示,新聞網站的品牌形象確實會影響網路使用者在使用該網站時的滿意度,較高的品牌形象會增加網路使用者對於該網站的使用滿意度。
In the massive of the websites, the news websites have to faces the challenge of other alike websites. For the managers of those news websites, the most important thing is to build its own particular brand image in such highly coessential and competitive situation and take it for the advantage of the news websites. In order to satisfy customers, the media need to promote the service quality of the website. And therefore the users of the website will constantly come to visit it. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the website service quality, brand image and customer satisfaction, to evaluate the image and service quality of the news websites. The main findings of this research showed that: 1. In the service quality of the news websites, the fulfillment has the positive influence for the brand image after they use the news website. The efficiency, system availability, privacy have no direct influence for the brand image of the news website. 2. The efficiency and system availability have the direct influence for the customer satisfaction of the news website. The users of the news website are likely to pay less attention to the fulfillment and privacy. 3. The brand image of the news websites has influence to the customer satisfaction.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123744
Journal: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 15
Begin Page: 153
End Page: 179
Appears in Collections:資訊社會研究


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