Title: 台北市大學生對旅遊網站服務品質、滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究─以A旅遊網站為例
A study of Travel Website’s Service Quality on Customer’s Satisfaction and Loyalty for Taipei college students
Authors: 劉燕如
Yen-Ju Liu
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 旅遊網站;線上服務品質;顧客滿意度;顧客忠誠度;Travel Website;On-line Service Quality;Customer’s Satisfaction;Customer’s Loyalty.
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 近年來寬頻網路普及,電子商務發展快速,其中又以旅遊產品銷售比例最高,達62.2%,再加上近年來國內旅遊消費市場擴增。而傳統旅行業受到網際網路的蓬勃發展,已影響原有生存空間。今日消費者可透過網際網路訂購旅遊產品並且完成部份的手續。這樣E 化使得原有的結構產生衝擊,因此旅遊網站的服務品質,將更顯其重要性,探討旅遊網站服務品質的滿意度、顧客忠誠度,將更能幫助企業把握機會,穩固及拓展市場。 本研究經由文獻探討後,以Li, Tan and Xie(2002)所發展的web-based 服務品質量表為六構面建立研究架構,Fornell (1994)的對消費者滿意度是唯一整體性觀點,以及Jones and Sasser 以及Gronholdt et al 提出的顧客忠誠度指標進行研究,並進行相關檢定。同時本研究也從顧客的觀點來衡量服務品質,試圖找出適合衡量A 旅遊網站服務品質的方式,以供後續研究者的參考。 研究結果顯示,對於A 旅遊網站所提供的服務品質「顧客認知的重要性」高過於「實際表現的滿意度」。另外,「服務品質滿意度」與「顧客滿意度」、「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」間皆呈現正向的顯著關係。最後,在衡量旅遊網站服務品質的方式上,本研究發現是以顧客的觀點來衡量服務品質較為適當。
In the recent years, due to the rapid advance of internet technology and the mass usage of the Internet makes the travel website industry grow drastically and become a very fruitful business, and its sales up to 62.2%. In order to solve these problems, travel websites try to improve the service quality that can approve customer satisfaction and loyalty. The research framework is base on the models web-based that provided by Li, Tan and Xie in 2002 and customer’s satisfaction & loyalty measurement that developed by Fornell and Jones and Sasser and Gronholdt et al in 1994. In order to find the better measurement of travel website’s service quality, research also adopt customer perceive perspective that can compare with importance and performance analysis perspective. The findings in this research are the following;(1) in A travel website, the service quality performance that customer importance is better than the service quality performance that customer perceived; (2) service quality satisfaction has significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction; (3) customer satisfaction has significant positive relationship with customer loyalty; (4) the proper measurement perspective in measuring travel website’s service quality is perceived perspective.
Appears in Collections:Thesis