標題: Determination of Source-and-Drain Series Resistance in 16-nm-Gate FinFET Devices
作者: Su, Ping-Hsun
Li, Yiming
Institute of Communications Engineering
關鍵字: Analytical model;bulk FinFET;channel fin doping;contact size;epigrowth;extraction;high-kappa/metal-gate (HKMG);Kelvin structure;measurement;multifins;source/drain (S/D) series resistance
公開日期: 1-May-2015
摘要: Source/drain (S/D) series resistance is difficult to extract, owing to poor epigrowth and nonuniform distribution of current density in S/D, critical limitation of restrictive design rule, ultrathin contact film, and complicated 3-D FinFET structure. In this brief, we, for the first time, propose a novel test structure for the measurement of the S/D series resistance. This technique enables us to determine the individual value of the S/D series resistance resulting from the S/D contact, the S/D epigrowth fin, and the channel gate, respectively. Each device\'s S/D series resistance on different layout locations is characterized on the basis of its connection with specified S/D contact. The test structure and extraction method can be applied to monitor the process development of sub-16-nm-gate multifin bulk FinFET devices, such as the channel fin doping, the S/D epigrowth, and the S/D contact size formation.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TED.2015.2418091
ISSN: 0018-9383
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2015.2418091
Volume: 62
起始頁: 1663
結束頁: 1667
Appears in Collections:Articles