標題: 政府科專成果境外運用管制之研究─ 以經濟部法人科專為中心
The Study of Legislation on Government-funded Technology– Focusing on Organization Technology Development Programs Under MOEA
作者: 劉思伶
Liu, Szu-Ling
Liu, Shang-Jyh
Chen, Tsai-Fang
關鍵字: 境外技術移轉;拜杜法;政府科專;技術授權;成果歸屬運用辦法;International Technology Transfer;Bayh-dole Act;Government-funding Technology Development Programs;Technology Licensing;Regulations for Ownership and Utilization of Scientific and Technological R&D Achievements
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 推動科學技術發展為我國政府確立所採之基本方針與原則,政府每年編列上百億預算補助科專計畫研發並將成果移轉企業以協助產業技術發展,其中又以經濟部所支持之法人研究機構占整體科專之大宗。然我國科專主管機關在國安因素及保護國內廠商等諸多考量下,對於科專成果境外移轉設有相當規範,某程度限制了科專成果之多元運用,而我國內需市場相對有限,使科學技術無法有效發揮其價值效用。本文就國內執行科技專案之現況及研發成果境外運用之管制規範加以探討,除對國內各補助研發單位所訂定之成果運用規範做縱向比較外,更研究美國、日本、中國、以色列與荷蘭之科專成果產業化以及專利技術轉出之規範模式,以期透過比較國內外機制及規範之差異,加以實證研究分析現有制度對科專成果運用的影響,對我國現有境外實施規範及科專成果流通運用機制產生之問題提出初步建議。 經本文比較及研究後,本文建議在理念上針對不影響國家安全或國家經濟之成果運用應更加開放,在實施方式上增加執行單位自主之空間以確實達到成果下放之目的,對於不同移轉對象和目的審慎訂定技術移轉契約,在規範上並根據不同運用方式設計適當管控模式以及以實踐適度國內優先原則,最後,在審查的方式和程序上亦需有所精進。期待透過本文整理比較國內外技術成果運用之情形和法規以及提出之意見,能作為我國科專成果之運用管制之參考,以建構完整的規範創造良好的技術移轉環境,落實智慧財產的運用及價值創造。
Technology and innovation have always been the driving force for a nation and industries to sustain competitiveness. Taiwanese government spends tens of billions NT dollars to leverage the Technology Development Programs (TDPs) each year, especially on organization TDPs. There are also numerous laws and regulations in Taiwan that aim to encourage technological innovation and transfer. However, for domestic preference and other practical reasons, the government-funding technologies are subject to the restrictions on overseas transfer, which might affect the technology transfer performances and reduce the value of the technologies. In order to understand the problems of related regulations and find a better way to promote technology transfer, this dissertation compares the regulations of several Taiwanese government institutions and the laws of foreign countries, including the U.S., Japan, China, Israel, and Holland. Besides, this dissertation applies the methods of empirical legal study to analysis the technology usage under current regulations, which is rooted on the material of interviewing the industry members who participate in technology transfer. According to the study of comparative law and research, this dissertation suggested that the regulations could be more open and flexible. Taiwanese government should be open-minded when facing the transfer of government-funding technologies in order to create a better environment for technology innovation, break ground on industrial technology development, and reinforce national competitiveness.