Title: 《開智慧?》影像裝置創作—以智慧型手機上癮之低頭族為主題
《Smart One With Everything》 An Imaging Installation Project on A Smart-Phone-Addicts
Authors: 鐘奕鱗
Chung, Yi-Lin
Keywords: 智慧型手機;低頭族;非直接攝影;Smartphone;Phubbers;Alternative method of photography
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 《開智慧?》影像裝置創作探討當今因使用智慧型手機所造成人人低頭的社會現象。以此為主題,經由攝影的轉化、影像的合成與空間的裝置將低頭族受科技產品控制的現象營造成一個神祕、詭異的場域。本論文以智慧型手機的影響為探討起點,再引「非直接攝影」的影像建構探究創作形式,最後藉由創作過程的回溯,檢視創作的內涵與初心。

《Smart One With Everything》 is an imaging installation project that examines the use of smartphones in the modern age and the related phenomenon known as "phubbers".

A mystical yet bizarre environment is created through photo manipulation, image arrangement and spatial installation, satirizing the technology's control over its user, and the "phubbers" it created. The thesis starts with an observation of smart phones' influence on society; follow by the examination of the creative technique based on "Alternative method of photography"; and, by looking back on the creative process, concludes with an look at the essence and origin of the project.

Key Words: Smartphone、Phubbers、Alternative method of photography
Appears in Collections:Thesis