標題: 黑夜裡最初的光
The First Gleam of Darkness
作者: 鄭介瑤
Cheng, Chieh-Yao
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 黑 夜;光;繪本;圖文;扭蛋;雞 蛋 與 高 牆;祕密;小我;恐懼;傷害;Dark;Light;Dawn;Picture Book;Illustration;Eggs and the Wall;Secrets, Ego;Fear;Harm
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本文透過分析筆者入研究所以來的創作脈絡,比照經歷的事件,發現創作和生命歷程緊密地扣連、交互影響且相生共存。筆者的畢業創作以兩本繪本作品為主軸,分別以兒時記憶和現階段的經驗為本,創作隱喻自己心理變化過程的圖文作品。而論文的書寫則以爬梳自己的創作歷程和其中心情起伏,以向內省視自己的內在狀態,包括恐懼與小我對自己的掌控。最後,透過作品內容和意義的探索,驚覺命運的安排是在提供機會,讓自己回首凝視,逐漸轉變成想成為的樣子。論文的書寫以內在心理和情感的探索為主,而不是著重在圖文創作形式和技巧的描述與分析。
This thesis discussed the connection between my art making and my life. My graduation work included two picture books. One was based on my childhood memory and the other was inspired by my recent experience. The making of these two picture books has provided me an insight into myself. By exploring the meaning of the stories, I have found that life has provided me the opportunities of transforming myself into the person I want to be. Thus, the writing of this thesis is centered more on my narrative account of my inner feelings and understanding of myself and the world, and less on the account of the drawing techniques that I have acquired during my graduate study here. In other words, this thesis is more of sharing my inner thoughts and personal growth with my readers.