標題: 住宅用火災警報器與居家防火成效之研究–以苗栗縣為例
Residential fire alarm and home fireproof the effectiveness of research - in Miaoli County
作者: 廖祥帆
Liao, Hsiang-Fan
Fu, Wu - Shung
關鍵字: 住宅用火災警報器;住宅火災;居家防火;residential fire alarm;residential fire;home fire
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 我國因建築與消防法令關係,五層樓以下的建築物多半未設置系統式的火警自動警報設備,導致居家民眾因未能即時發現火災發生,限縮了避難逃生時間,而造成人命傷亡。 內政部消防署統計火警資料進一步發現,1至5層樓的建築物發生死亡火警的機率最高,占所有死亡火警案件數的91.4%;這類建築物大部分不必裝設消防設備,以致火警發生時,高達78%都是被身在建築物外的人發現而報案。因此,為了讓居住者更早發現火災、及早避難,消防署建議這類建築的住宅,應裝設住宅用火災警報器,可即時預警並逃生。 為避免白雪旅社大火造成七死一傷之悲劇再度重演,苗栗縣率先全國實施全縣補助安裝住宅用火災警報器,本研究即選擇以苗栗縣為研究範圍,並透過國內外文獻資料搜集、國內外住宅火災統計探討分析、住宅用火災警報器成功預警案例分析及實施補助安裝前後之防災效果比較。 研究結果顯示,正確安裝住宅用火災警報器,能有效減少住宅火災死亡之發生率,再根據安裝後未來可能發生之問題,進一步提出解決方案與策略,以作為全國各縣(市)政府、消防局執行上之參考,並提供我國政府擬定法令政策之依據。
Due to Taiwan's regulation, most of buildings less than 5-floor don't equipped with automatic alarm system. Resulting in casualties because people can't be aware of fire accident immediately and can't escape in time. According National Fire Agency statistical data, the probability of fire deaths in 1-5 floor buildings is the highest among all fire accidents (accounting for 91% of cases of fire). Most of those buildings don't have to install fire-fighting equipment, so 78% of fire accidents are found and reported by people outside the building. In order to let resident's be aware of fire and escape earlier, National Fire Agency suggests those kind of building should be equipped with house fire alarm so that resident's can so that residents can get timely warning and escape. To avoid the tragedy of Snow-White hotel, the government of Miaoli County took first step to offer subsidies for fire alarm installation. My study focus on Miaoli County practice and collect domestic and information research data of fire alarm successful cases. The result shows that the correct installation of household fire alarm can reduce the death rate effectively. In this thesis, I propose solutions and strategies for problems that my occurafter fire alarm installation. My solution provides a practical reference for all counties government and fire bureau, and also for government to develop new policies.