Title: 流浪動物可持續管理之模式探討
Discussion of Sustainable Management Models for Stray Animals
Authors: 張藝耀
Chang Yi-Yao
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Keywords: 流浪動物;動物收容所;管理模式;Stray Animal;Animal Shelter;Sustainable Model
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 流浪動物的收容,收容期間是否被人道對待,乃至於收容後的處置是否合乎情、理、法的考量;收容所的環境是否需進一步改善、整體管理是否該加強。此類問題的探討,即使未見於正式的書籍、期刊或論文,也經常性的出現於新聞版面或報章雜誌。
最後則希望此研究能達到拋磚引玉的作用,切入探討未來有可能解決造成如此多現況問題的其中一項現實面因素 – 營運資金。藉由提出流浪動物的可持續管理模式,期待後續有研究人員可接續進行各項可持續管理模式的深入分析,除可瞭解那些管理模式確實可引入收容所單位執行,亦可於未來協助收容所解決部分的營運資金缺口。
Sheltering for tray animals. What if tray animals are treated kindly during the period of shelter time? How to deal with those tray animals which had being sheltered after a period of time? If the shelter environment and management need to be improved? All of these issues mentioned as above has been discussed and can be seen in books, journals, and theses. Even more, we almost can see relative subject shown on newspapers and magazines.
In the beginning, the research treats the tray animal issues from the opinion of network news, which highlights the present problems of tray animal protection, and the attitude of average people toward the issues of tray animals protection.
Then, government organization and regulation of animal protection is mentioned and discussed. It is helpful to understand how the tray animal issues are treated on regulation level in Taiwan.
It can be evaluated if tray animal protection actions hit the point from the government data about the number of tray animals in Taiwan. Discussion about tray animal protection issues reflect what actions being done will satisfy the social expectation.
Finally, the shelter operation and management capital issue will be discuss. There are six sustainable management models suggested in the research. It will be great these models are being researched in the future, and getting a successful result to solve the shortage of shelter management capital.
Appears in Collections:Thesis