Title: | 行動App電子商務之營運模式研究與建立 Development and analysis of business model in E-commerce with mobile Apps |
Authors: | 劉盈初 Liu,Ying-Chu 袁建中 Yuan,Benjamin 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 第三方支付;行動電子商務;企業營運模式;行動App;智慧消費;3rd Party Payment;Mobile e-commerce;Business Operation Model;Mobile App;Smart Pay |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 電子商務發展自90年代開始蓬勃發展以來,就變成了科技產業中的明星。隨著筆記型電腦的輕薄化,讓消費者使用電腦更加不受限空間之後,電子商務的發展更為寬廣,使用網路購物已經對消費者來說如同家常便飯。在電子商務剛開始興起的議題,例如交易安全性,退換貨流程等,隨著電子商務產業發展日趨成熟,已經有非常完善的體制運作,消費者漸漸將網路購物視為非常方便快速的消費管道。
然而直到2007年,蘋果公司Steve Jobs發表了第一代Apple智慧型手機 –iPhone後,掀起了一股智慧型手機浪潮!蘋果公司接下來又在2010年發表了第一代Apple平版型電腦-iPad,並且跟iPhone系列一樣,每年都會發表最新產品。隨著蘋果公司每一年發表其系列的新品,行動裝置市場(包含智慧型手機與平板電腦)的競爭也日趨白熱化,Dell、SONY、ASUS、Samsung等消費型電子廠商也爭相分食,Google也研發Android作業系統與iOS分庭抗禮。行動裝置市場越競爭,得利越多的是消費者。根據Business Insider在2013的調查,全世界每五人就有一人擁有智慧型手機,每十七人就擁有一台平板電腦。行動裝置的普及與應用程式的快速發展,讓電子商務的營運模式型態有個更多變化!
然而,行動電子商務的發展不到十年,許多行動App的營運模式還在摸索中發展,這是一個還在成長,仍未到成熟階段的產業。在這樣的背景之下,本研究將探討行動App電子商務之營運模式,以期可以在這正在蓬勃發展中的產業歸納出一些營運要素與成功關鍵。本研究先從了解過去傳統電子商務營運模式、現今市場上的行動商務模式,與行動消費趨勢開始。接下來透過套用傳統電子商務營運模式在三個成功廠商中,尋找出行動與傳統電子商務相異處,並修改程為創新的行動App電子商務營運模式。以分析其中的利害關係角色為架構,提出一套營運流程與建議,以電子商務利害關係人皆能獲利創新為目標。 This thesis aims to set up a business operation model of mobile e-commerce with Apps. Mobile e-commerce is derived from the traditional e-commerce which is boosted by the popularity of PC products, including desktops and laptops. E-commerce is such a mature industry that the operation processes, such as payment process, transaction process, and refund process, are complete and mature. Customers regard on-line shopping as a usual to purchase products. They do not fear of product flaws or risk of not receiving. In 2007, Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple globally introduced the most innovative product ever – iPhone. Three years later, he introduced – iPad. From then on, Apple kept introducing new products every year, leading the fierce competition of mobile devices. Other companies in consumer electronic devices such as DELL, SONY, ASUS, and Samsung saw the trend, and devoted large efforts and funds to developing smart phones and tablets. In order to catch the market, Google and Microsoft also develop operation systems on smart phones and tablets to compete with iOS. All of the activities from brands boost the use rate of mobile devices. According to Business Insider, one in every 5 People in the world owns a smartphone; one in every 17 owns a tablet. However, mobile e-commerce is young, thus the operation models are not stable yet. Most of the companies in this industry are still doing “try and error.” Therefore, this thesis is targeted to build up a business operation model, which can shows key success factors for companies to consolidate their business models. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/125641 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |