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dc.contributor.authorLiao, Shu-chingen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以客家海濱聚落探討其文化意象的營造過程,新屋永安以全台唯一客家海濱聚落為其獨特性,試圖發展文化觀光,有別於一般我們對於山城客家聚落的認知,永安漁港因地制宜發展出以農為主,漁業為輔的生活模式。 台灣是各海島國家,海岸線全長約 1,200 公里,海岸線與海濱經年累月是我們生活中的一部分,但是海濱的開放與休閒始於解嚴後,曾經嚴肅的大海,如今走上開放休閒娛樂,客家人對於渡過黑水溝討生活的海有什麼印記?對於山城的客家庄,普羅大眾是熟悉的,但是對於發展濱海的客家聚落,一般遊客卻是陌生的,於是透過創新、尋找屬於海濱的客家符號成了首要之務。 John Urry說:「一趟旅程要是缺少了可以睜大眼睛來”凝視”的特別事物,不足以構成一次觀光經驗」。觀光是收集「符號」的一種過程,觀光客是走遍世紀各地的符號學專家,將被凝視的對象一個接一個的建構成一個代表符號,在此前提下,那麼永安漁港可以被收集的是屬於哪些濱海的客家符號?遊客於此所能「凝視」的駐足點是什麼?所以提供文化觀光又是為何? 觀光業被公認為在二十一世紀最具有潛力發展的行業,以致於國與國之間無不摩拳擦掌,城市與鄉村間也各自絞盡腦汁,為了在這場無煙囪經濟競賽中勝出無不卯足全力;根據觀光委員會在 2009 年出版的報告書「文化的觀光效益」中指出 2007年全球觀光旅遊人數總計有 8.98 億人,其中 40%屬於文化觀光性質。以歐洲為例,超過 50%的觀光活動是由文化資產所帶動,並且觀光為歐洲的GDP 貢獻了約 5.5%,由此可見文化觀光經濟效益之驚人。於此,新屋永安漁港如何營造出客家海濱聚落的文化意象,及代表新屋永安的客家海濱元素是本研究希望能探討的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to probe the process of the developing culture image of the Hakka settlement at seashore. The Yong-an located in Sinwu, as it is the only one Hakka settlement at seashore all over Taiwan, tries to develop culture tourism. It is totally difference with our cognition about Hakkas villages at mountain area that Yong-an Fish Harbo develops its lifestyle, mainly based on agriculture and supplemented with fishery, according to its local conditions. Taiwan belongs to sea-island countries. The total coastline is about 1,200 kilometer. The coastline and seashore is a part of our lifestyle. The ocean, used to be blocked off, has become the developed place of entertainment due to the opening of seashore and leisure industries after abolishing martial law. However, what impression does the Hakka remember in their brain about they went across Taiwan Strait in order to make a living in the past? People are easily familiar with the Hakka villages at mountain area, but it is strange for tourist to know about the developing culture image of the Hakka settlement at seashore. Therefore, the priority task is to seek Hakka symbols belonging to the settlement at seashore through creativity. John Urry said:”It is not a tourist experience if a trip lacks a special gazee with unwinking eyes.” Tourism is a process of collecting “sign”. Tourists are sign experts traveling all over the world and construct gazee one after another into a sign. Under the premise, What kind of Hakka signs around seashore should Yong-an Fish Harbo be collected? What scenery should be gazed by the tourist? Why will we promote culture tourism? Tourism industry is commonly acknowledged to be the most potential developing industry in 21st century. Therefore, none of Nations won’t get ready for a fight. Cities and countries also do their best to rack theirs brains with each other in order to win this economic competition in tertiary industry. According to the “The Impact of Culture on Tourism” published in 2009 by Travel Tourism Council, the total number of tourists in 2007 is about 8.98 millions people, 40 percent of which belongs to culture tourists. Taking Europe for example, it is over 50 percent of tourism activities resulting from cultural heritage, and then tourism contributes 5.5 percent to its GDP. Indeed, the economic effect of culture tourism is so amazing. Thus, the object we want to talk about in this case is how Yong-an Fish Harbo develops its culture ideogram of the Hakka settlement at seashore and what is the representative element of the Hakka settlement at seashore.en_US
dc.subjectculture tourismen_US
dc.titleThe Constructing Cultural Image of a Hakka community at seashore:A case study on “Yon An”fishing porten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis