標題: 營運模式與文化展示: 以石岡土牛客家文化館與東勢客家文化園區為例
Operation Model and Cultural Exhibition: The Case of Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park and Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall
作者: 葉依婷
Yeh, Yi-Ting
Chang, Wei-An
關鍵字: 營運管理;文化展示;客家;石岡土牛客家文化館;東勢客家文化園區;Operation Model;Cultural Exhibition;Hakka;Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall;Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 邇來,公私協力業已為全球發展的趨勢,位於中部臺三線之石岡土牛客家文化館及東勢客家文化園區,肩負著推動大埔客家文化傳承的使命,兩者分別為公辦公營與公辦民營之營運模式,本研究透過博物館的外部及內部觀察,探討兩客家文化館舍不同營運模式所呈現之展示意象,分析其對於客家文化推展之影響與差別。 研究結論為不同博物館的營運思維模式相當影響其文化展示內容之呈現。首先,詮釋主體足以形塑與建構出博物館的發展定位;其次,不同詮釋主體的核心目標、關懷意識、價值觀及切入角度不同,亦決定展示意涵、提供予閱聽眾之意象傳達、資源經費比例、整體內容豐富度、行銷是否多元、是否確實掌握重要核心價值,影響至深且鉅;第三,營運管理模式將影響整體博物館呈現。 本研究建議以專業分工,掌握客家文化核心價值理念為宜,並提出「以客家文化教育為核心,傳承客家文化」、「建構良善之公私協力夥伴關係」、「客家主題展示之深化與詮釋」、「凝聚社區在地意識」與「建構中部客家博物館網絡」等5點建議。
In recent years, public-private operating partnerships have been the trend of global development. The Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall and the Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park, both located at the center of the Provincial Highway 3, shoulder the mission of promoting Hakka culture. The Tuniu Hakka Cultural Hall operates in a public model, while the Dongshih Hakka Cultural Park operates in a different private model. Through external and internal observations of the museums, this study explores the exhibitions presented in the different operational models’ Hakka cultural buildings and analyzes the effects in advancing Hakka culture. The conclusion is that the type of operational model has a significant impact on how museums exhibit their cultural contents. First, the operational model type will define and craft the museum’s direction in its development. Secondly, the museum’s mission, the driving principles, the values, and the interpretations of the operational model will profoundly impact the nuances of the exhibitions, the images presented to the audiences, the resource allocation, the richness of the collections, the diversity in advertising, and the grasp of the core values. Lastly, the operational and management model will affect how the museum is recognized. This study encourages mastering of the essences of Hakka culture through working with each specialty, and it put forward five suggestions: inheriting Hakka culture through education, establishing strong public-private partnership, elevating the Hakka cultural exhibition themes with delineated annotations, increasing local community cohesion, and constructing a Central Hakka Museum Network.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070355503