標題: 臺灣「客家」女性視覺藝術:女人生命經驗、族群圖像的再現論述
Visual Art of Female Visual Art of Female “Hakka” Artists in Taiwan: The Representation of Life Stories and Ethnic Identity
作者: 許如婷
Ju-ting Hsug
關鍵字: 客家;女人;族群;認同;視覺藝術;Hakka;Women;Ethnic;Identity; Visual Arts
公開日期: 五月-2018
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 本研究以客家女性藝術為題切入,探討臺灣客家女性藝術創作的發展、族群認同與生命經驗,並以竹苗區域的客家女性創作為主軸。其中,本研究乃藉由深度訪談、文獻檢閱與文本分析法,深入與客家女性創作者對談、詮釋她們的藝術創作作品。研究發現,客家女性藝術創作者,與創作相遇的歷程乃具有奇妙的經驗。並且,作品中的圖像即是她們日常生活的經驗自敘、心靈沉潛與女人故事的描繪。同時,創作中展現客家文化的認同,不論創作題材、色彩、圖像、圖騰元素及媒材,再現了自身客家文化經驗與記憶,並且試圖以一種回歸「家鄉」的方式在地進行紮根教學,傳承客家傳統文化。
This study examined artworks produced by Hakka women and explored how female Hakka artists, being both women and of Hakka origin, express their life stories, experiences of womanhood, and ethnic identity through art. The images in their work reflect their daily life, spiritual recession, and women's stories. Their works exhibit their Hakka identity through Hakka cultural experiences and memories by using subject matters, colors, images, totemic elements, and materials. The findings revealed that the artists adopt a “homecoming” mindset to promote their local roots to share Hakka traditions and cultures.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=47&CA_ID=504
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 10
起始頁: 167
結束頁: 208


  1. 2303-2437-1006.pdf

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