標題: 跨文化接觸的客家族群:一個視覺取向的研究
Transcultural Hakka Studies: A Visaul-Oriented Research on Cultural Products in Chu-Tung Area
作者: 林文玲
Lin, Wen-Ling
關鍵字: 族群性;文化再現;視覺性;跨文化接觸;文化雜揉;客家;ethnicity;cultural representation;visuality;transculturation;cultural;hakka
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 族群性(ethnicity)是理解群體間關係的一個重要面向。族群性也在內外、自我與他人的不斷區辨、(再)認識、(重新)界定、(象徵與符號)競逐與持續建構的過程中形成。族群(性)及其構成是座落在變動的時空環境,相互生發與彼此作用。這些複雜交錯的作用因素使得族群性有時難以掌握,本研究將發展視覺文化的研究取徑,針對上述議題進行探討。 本研究將從竹東五峰一帶的客家聚落的生活與文化著手,觀察日常生活的「有形的」、「可觸摸的」文化表現,包括聚落的地標造型、建築特色、公共藝術、招牌廣告、風景照片、地方媒體、服飾、紀念品、名產包裝、廟會表演等公共生活以及所傳遞的集體意識;也將透過個人或團體所保存的照片、影像資料的多方蒐集,充分掌握視覺文化的各種面向。 本計畫的研究目的之一是從這些充滿視覺訊息與意向表徵的社會物件,整理其中可能蘊涵以及意圖傳達關於地方、社區以及族群文化身份的重要訊息。計劃目的之二在於藉由視覺文化的研究視角,觀察族群互動頻繁的竹東五峰一帶在文化融合與轉介概念之下, 產生何種跨文化接觸(transculturation)、文化混血(hybridization)或本土、在地化((indigenzation)的現象,以及族群互動過程中的文化主張、族群之自我界定。
Ethnicity that is formed by constant differentiating,(re)recognition,(re)affirmation, (symbolic and signified) competition and construction within oneself/between one and others is an critical perspective in understanding ethnic relationship. As ethnicity is located in dynamic historical context and interchanging social environment, the sophisticated nature has made it difficult to be understood. This research aims to explore the aforementioned themes from the perspective of visual culture studies. The research site located in WuFeng-ChuTung area is a Hakka village. This research will focus on the visual representation of daily life in that area, such as visible, touchable cultural performances of landmark, architecture, public arts, advertisement, scenery postcard, local media, dressing, souvenir, packing of famous product, as well as the performance arts in temple fair. Besides, individual and collective photos as visual objects will be collected in order to further investigate the embodiment of ethnic identity in daily life. The significance of this research is (1) to observe the critical message of place, community, and ethnic cultural identities from the aforementioned visual, symbolic social objects, and (2) to understand the cultural integration and transformation caused by frequent interaction among ethnic groups in WuFeng-ChuTung area, so as to reveal the phenomenon of transculturation, hybridization, and indigenzation, the cultural standpoint, and self-determination as well.
官方說明文件#: 97-0399-05-0301-15
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102074


  1. RRPG97060229.pdf

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