標題: 利用新聞標籤遊戲來偵測問題新聞
Using News Tagging Game to Detect Problematic News
作者: 王薈捷
關鍵字: GWAP遊戲;群眾共識;新聞媒體;GWAP;consensus of masses;news media
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本研究設計一個新聞瀏覽網站讓使用者在網站上閱讀完新聞後 進行問題新聞標籤,系統再利用眾人的標籤資訊去分析得到眾人對於一 題新聞的問題共識。實驗的新聞瀏覽平台利用 GWAP 遊戲概念,讓使 用者在平台上閱讀新聞後選擇認為符合該題新聞的問題標籤,使用者送 出標籤後,即可得到各種遊戲回饋。由於現今新聞內容常含有各式各樣 的問題,讀者經常會閱讀到不符合期望的新聞,本研究希望從眾人閱讀 完新聞後所做的共識標籤,去提醒更多還未閱讀該新聞的民眾該篇新聞 可能具備哪些問題,讓民眾自行決定是否還要閱讀已被眾人共識過有問 題的新聞。另一方面本研究也會從實驗結果去分析新聞媒體各種分類的 新聞其主要被標籤的問題是哪些,就各種原因去深入探討。本研究是一 個概念性的實驗,為結合群眾標籤共識、GWAP 新聞遊戲去探討新聞媒 體的問題,目的是希望能依靠群眾力量去偵測問題新聞,以達到監督新 聞媒體的作用。
We designed a webpage for browsers to read news and tag tagging on problematic news after finished reading it. After collecting users’ tagging, our system will analyze them and decide the most suitable tagging for news. We used the idea of GWAP on our webpage. People will get some game credits or feedback after they submit their news tagging to our system. Cause there are kinds of problems in news content, browsers always read news that didn’t measure up to their expectations. We want to use the consensus of masses, which have read and tagged the news to alert more people problems in the news, and let those people decide to read it or not by themselves. On the other hand we will also analyze which are the main problems in each kind of news from the experimental result. Our research is a conceptual experiment, which combines news tagging consensus of masses and GWAP game to discuss the problems in news media. The purpose of our research is to use the strength of masses to detect problematic news and supervise news media.