標題: 以資源基礎觀點比較傳統媒體與新媒體新聞產製之競爭優勢
Competitive Advantages Between the Traditional and the New Media: Examining the News Industries Using a Resource-Based View
作者: 林怡臻
Huang, J. Sonia
關鍵字: 資源基礎觀點;新聞產製;新聞媒體;核心資源;競爭優勢;NVivo 8;Resource-based View;News Production;News Media;Core Resource;Competitive Advantage;NVivo 8
公開日期: 2012
摘要:   90年代起,隨著有線、衛星電視開放及網路科技的技術發展,新媒體開始成為主要的傳播工具。而在競爭尤其激烈的新聞產業,有線電視、網路等新媒體加入分食閱聽眾及廣告市場大餅,老牌的報紙及無線電視等傳統媒體的營運日趨下坡,新媒體的出現是否象徵著傳統媒體逐漸凋零?甚至進而「替代」?一直是許多學者關心的焦點,亦是本研究的旨趣。   台灣的媒體市場不大,但卻競爭者眾,目前除了有四份全國性的報紙、四家無線電視台,更有二十四小時不停播的有線新聞台及為數眾多的網路新聞媒體。新聞產製的過程複雜且講求時效,媒體業者無不投入資源到產製新聞的各個環節,以生產內容產品,創造競爭優勢為組織帶來效益。資源類型的不同亦有可能會導致不同的競爭優勢與成果,本研究即試圖探究傳統媒體與新媒體在新聞產製上各自具有何競爭優勢,以資源基礎觀點分析兩者的核心資源為何,並檢視兩者之媒體表現,來討論核心資源與競爭優勢之間的關聯。   研究主要採用質化取徑的深度訪談法,實際訪談17家主流的新聞媒體業者,包括報紙、無線電視、有線電視及網路,了解不同媒體類型擁有何種資源。本文還進一步以次級資料分析法,採用台灣社會變遷基本調查資料,檢視各閱聽眾對新聞媒體之選擇情形、信任及滿意程度等,做為媒體競爭優勢的衡量指標。最後以質性資料軟體-NVivo 8進行訪談資料的匯整、編碼及分析。   研究發現傳統媒體的核心資源在於高成本的實體資產、嚴密的組織架構、長久以來經營所累積的品牌口碑以及主管經驗等的運用,且分配較多財產性資源;新媒體則是策略聯盟合作活動頻繁,且偏重產品內容創新、技術創新能力與行銷能力等資源的運用,較看重知識性資源。而從媒體表現來看,報紙的接觸率逐年下滑,網路則是漸漸攀升,可見新媒體正襲奪傳統媒體的市場。不過在廣告量以及閱聽人的媒體使用及選擇的調查上,傳統媒體在廣告市場中的份額仍具一定份量,且報紙仍是最多人選擇使用的新聞媒體,故傳統媒體與新媒體各自具有競爭優勢,傳統媒體競爭優勢的來源是有形財產性資源及無形財產性資源的投入,特別強調有形財產資源形成之高度進入障礙所帶來的優勢;新媒體則是透過組織知識性資源及個人知識性資源來為己身創造競爭優勢,其中特別看重無形資源的累積。   因此,傳統媒體與新媒體各具有不同的優勢資源,故在競爭上也表現相當,兩者之間的關係是互補大於替代。研究結果呼應了資源基礎觀點,顯示異質性資源是競爭優勢的來源。最後,本研究認為傳統媒體與新媒體積極累積優勢資源,未來也要在講求匯流的媒體環境中「競合」,互相提供互補性資源,才能共存榮,而非如「零和遊戲」般地廝殺。
In the news industries, new media such as cable and the internet have started to take up the audience and the advertising market, and traditional media, such as newspapers and broadcast networks, have been going downhill since 90's. Is the emergence of new media a symbol of the death of traditional media? And will the new media even substitute the traditional media? These issues have concerned many media scholars, and this is also the purpose of the present study. The media market in Taiwan is small in size, but there are numerous competitors. In addition, the process of news production is complex and requires high efficiency, so media companies all invest resources in every aspect of news production to create competitive advantages for their organizations to profit. Different types of resources may also lead to discrete competitive advantages and achievements. This study attempts to explore that what competitive advantages the traditional media and the new media have by using resource-based view to analysis media companies’ core resources. Also, by examining the market performance of these two types of media, this study attempts to discuss the relationship between core resources and competitive advantages. This study use depth-interviews to understand 17 media companies’ resources, moreover, this study draws on secondary data analysis to examine media’s penetration rate and audience’s media choice and media trust, which serve as indicators of competitive advantages in the media. Last, this paper also uses Nvivo 8, qualitative analysis software, to code and analyze data. Results show that traditional media tend to exploit core resources which are tangible property-based, such as physical assets, organization structure, brand, reputation, and manager’s experience, etc. While new media tend to focus core resources which are intangible knowledge -based, such as strategic alliance, innovational skills of content, technical skills, and marketing skills. Even though the penetration rate of newspaper is going downward these years and the Internet is in the opposite direction, the tradition media still have their competitive advantages. The newspaper is still the medium that most people choose to use for their news information. Hence, the traditional and the new media both have their own competitive advantages, and their performances also are well-matched. In sum, tangible and property-based resources bring advantages to traditional media, and new media’s strength is in intangible resources, especially knowledge-based resources. The relationship between traditional and new media is complementary, not substitute. The results also confirm the resource-based view, because they show that different resources create different competitive advantages. And this paper suggests that traditional and new media should use co-opetition strategies in the future in order to fulfill profit maximization.