標題: 核心資源與經營策略之關係研究—以東森購物為例
A Research on the Relationship between Core Resources and Business Strategies:A case study of ET Mall
作者: 蘇麗尹
Li Yin Su
Ying-Xun Wang
Yu-Ming Chang
關鍵字: 核心資源;經營策略;core resources;business strategies
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 科技不斷進步,傳統行銷方式已經慢慢開始創新和突破,傳統實體通路的銷售方式轉變成透過電視或網路虛擬等媒介進行無店舖販售(non-store retailing),其中電視購物具有比其他通路更讓人上癮的吸引力,和其他虛擬通路相較,電視透過聲光特效技術輔助,更容易展示出產品的特色。經營電視購物頻道,具有降低多層通路的經營成本及具聲光效果等優勢,同時也吸引一些業者加入市場。 東森購物是台灣目前第一家以企業化經營電視購物頻道業者,年營業額屢創新高,本研究深入探討這個研究個案本身具有哪些優勢的核心資源以及會擬定什麼經營策略以應付不斷變化的市場環境、而核心資源和經營策略之間又呈現什麼關係。 研究結果發現,台灣電視購物市場在短期內競爭者未成氣候、東森購物享有東森媒體集團的相關資源大力支持、東森購物的資源與經營策略之間呈現的關係是先制定經營策略之後,東森購物先檢視本身具有哪些核心資源可以支持經營策略,然後看看是否有累積資源的必要,而支持經營策略的資源則是ㄧ個漸進的過程。
With continuous improvement of technology, conventional selling has already begun to innovate and break fresh. Traditional store retailing has already transformed into non-store retailing through these media such as television or virtual shop on network. In which, the television shopping has more attraction than other retailing methods. Compare to other virtual retailing methods, with assistance of sound and light special effects, television has easier way to demonstrate the characteristics of manufactures. In the operation of television shopping channel, it has advantages of better sound and light special effects and lower operation cost comes from the reduction of multi-level retailing, and also attract other business into this market. The ET Mall is first television-shopping channel operates as an enterprise in Taiwan, and its’ turnover is higher every year. In this research, we’ll discuss what are the advantageous core resources in this case, and what are the business strategies to overcome the continuously changing environment of market, and what is the relationship between core resources and business strategies. As a result of this research, we found that the market of Taiwan television shopping, the other competitors can not become important roles in few days. The ET Mall has great support comes from the resources of ET media group. And the relationships between the core resources and the business strategies is business go first and lead the resources accumulate what it needs and the process is to make gradual progress.


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