標題: 應用於邏輯線路之低耗能三閘極砷化銦鎵變晶性高電子遷移率電晶體之研究
Study of Tri-Gate In0.6Ga0.4As mHEMTs for Low-Power Logic Applications
作者: 詹京叡
Chan, Jing-Ruey
Chang, Edward-Yi
Maa, Jer-Shen
關鍵字: 砷化銦鎵;三閘極;邏輯應用;InGaAs;tri-Gate;logic applications
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 互補式金氧半導體元件持續的微縮下,已經遇到一些技術或是物理上的極限,因此研發新的元件製程與找尋下一世代通道材料已經是勢在必行的事情。由於三五族砷化銦鎵材料的高電子遷移率以及優異的能帶設計,因此高銦含量的砷化銦鎵通道高電子遷移率電晶體在高速和低耗能邏輯應用方面具有非常大的發展空間。 在此研究中,成功的製作了兩百奈米閘極線寬的三閘極砷化銦鎵變晶性高電子遷移率電晶體,並且透過先進的兩次蝕刻技術,成功地使通道和閘極形成立體結構,有效的增加閘極和通道之間的接觸面積。此研究比較了在相同操作偏壓下,不同鰭數目及不同蝕刻時間對於元件特性上的影響。 在結果當中可以得知,較長的蝕刻時間對於元件的邏輯特性上有較佳的影響,而邏輯參數也隨著鰭數目的增加有明顯的變化。而這些研究結果可以證實兩百奈米三閘極砷化銦鎵變晶性高電子遷移率電晶體極具潛力作為下一個世代高速且低耗能邏輯電晶體的使用。在高頻應用上,電流截止頻率和最大震盪頻率可分別達到60GHz以及90GHz。由這些特性可以得知,兩百奈米的三閘極砷化銦鎵變晶性高電子遷移率電晶體也可用於高增益、以及低操作偏壓的高頻元件應用。
By continuing CMOS scaling, has encountered some technical or physical limits. Therefore, the development of new device processes and find the next generation of channel materials is imperative. In this context, high indium content InGaAs-based HEMTs are particularly promising for high-speed and low-power logic application because of excellent electrical properties of InxGa1-xAs material and the superior band-gap design of HEMT. In this study, the 200 nm Tri-gate In0.6Ga0.4As mHEMTs processed with advanced double recess were fabricated. By 3D structure, not only increase the area between gate and channel also enhance the gate controllability. This study compared the number of fins and different time for etching under the same operation bias. In the results of which can be found, longer etching time have a better impact on the logical characteristics and logic parameters are also improved with the number of fins. These results can confirm 200nm Tri-Gate In0.6Ga0.4As mHEMTs are promising as the use of high-speed and low-power logic applications in the next generation. In RF applications current-gain cut-off frequency (fT) of 60GHz and maximum oscillation frequency (fmax) of 90GHz. These results demonstrate 200nm Tri-Gate In0.6Ga0.4As mHEMTs are suitable for high-gain, low noise and low voltage applications.