Title: 擴增實境應用在社群互動之初探性研究
An Exploration Study of Augmented Reality in Social Interaction
Authors: 高嘉慧
Gao, Gia-Huei
Keywords: 擴增實境;感知娛樂;社會臨場感;第三場域;社群涉入;Augmented reality;perceived playfulness;social presence;the third places;community involvement
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 社群媒體盛行的時代中,人與人之間產生聯繫變得不再困難,然而,我們輕易的與他人建交,卻難以再進一步深化彼此關係,如此人們社交生活多半停留於公關式的互動。本研究基於現今社群媒體尚未解決的窘境,以原始的社交方式為出發點,試圖讓上述情形找回平衡點,因此設計了一款擴增實境(Augmented reality, AR)社群媒體雛型,由於AR為結合現實與虛擬的技術,利用AR特性讓使用者產生動機在實體空間中進行探索,並在同一空間中產生互動,如此不僅讓彼此容易找到共同話題,同時也回歸於人們最初的社交生活方式,即以地緣關係為主的互動,進而達到深化關係的效果。 本研究分成三大階段,首先利用脈絡訪查法發展角色模型,接著進行第二次脈絡訪查,歸納出雛型設計所需要素,最後為實驗設計與正式實驗,本研究之自變項為與AR關聯性相當高的「感知娛樂」與「社會臨場感」,為了觀察實境社群的互動情形,依變項為「第三場域」與「社群涉入」,實驗結果發現社會臨場感能顯著影響第三場域與社群涉入,而感知娛樂對於第三場域無顯著影響,但其部分面向對於社群涉入亦有顯著影響,另外發現了社會臨場感能夠影響感知娛樂的部分面向。本研究討論實驗結果後,將彙整出未來設計AR社群媒體之建議。
The prevalence of social media era makes contacting people becomes easier. Nevertheless, despite of the fact that we can easily establish relations with others on social media, it is difficult to develop deeper and meaningful mutual relations. For instance, even people seem being popular in social media, the relation that they have with others are mostly shallow types. Based on this unresolved social media’s dilemma, researcher proposed Augmented Reality as a new way for providing social interaction. The present syudy thus develope an Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality, AR) Social Media prototype to explore the possibility. This prototype was designed to facilitate with different social interaction modes forming reality-base community through the exploration and discussion of common topics in the physical space. There are three stages in this study. At the first stage, the users personas were constructed to be the reference of finding appropriate subjects for the follow up stages. Then, the researcher carried out a contextual inquiry, the design direction of system development. Finally, base on the developed prototype system, an experiment was conducted to examine the study hypothese. The independent variables are「Perceived playfulness」and「Social presence」, and the dependent variables are「The virtual third places」and「Community involvement」. The study recommendations for the future applications of AR social media.
Appears in Collections:Thesis