標題: 社交工具於人際吸引之探討—以擴增實境科技應用於名片為例
The Effects of Social Tool on Interpersonal Attraction: A Case Study of Augmented Reality using on Business Cards
作者: 陳羽萱
Chen, Yu-Hsuan
Lee, Jiun-De
關鍵字: 人際吸引;擴增實境;名片;Interpersonal attraction;Augmented Reality;Business card
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 個人的社交活動在職場的來往中是不可或缺的歷程,而名片又是個人社交活動歷程中非常重要之媒介。然而,當前的名片由於面積較小,所能提供的資訊有限,無法涵括更多樣化的內容。基於此種原因,本研究認為,若是透過擴增實境(Augmented reality, AR)的輔助,或許能夠讓傳統的紙質名片增添了更多的可能性。本研究主要目的是欲探討擴增實境應用於個人社交活動工具–名片時,應該提供何種資訊才能夠成功的輔助雙方的交流,並以人際吸引力的角度做為研究之出發點。 研究共分為兩階段,第一階段為擴增實境應用於名片之設計需求探索,以人際吸引力相關文獻與人情與面子理論模式作為分析工具來探討職場活動的互動,採用焦點團體法以及文化探針法(Culture Probe)進行資料蒐集並歸納出不同類型的名片使用者(Persona),而後應用腦力激盪法(Brainstorming)來做為擴增實境名片的設計參考依據,並且進行名片雛型之建立。第二階段為研究實驗的施行,自變項為人物角色之類型與名片資訊類型,依變項為人際吸引力中的社交吸引力與任務吸引力。 研究結果顯示,社交吸引力的產生與AR名片上所呈現之私人資訊內容的關聯性最大,任務吸引力的產生則與AR名片上所呈現之個人職涯背景資訊的關連性最大。除此之外,AR名片上所呈現之不同種類的資訊對於不同類型的受測者也會造成不相同的人際吸引力效果。本研究討論實驗結果後,將彙整出未來設計AR名片內容之建議。
Personal-social activity is an indispensable part of the business communication, and one of the important tools in the activity is the business card. The current size of business card is too small to contain sufficient information, which could be remediated with the technique of AR. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of using AR in social interactions, and takes business card as an example. The study tried to find out what kind of information provided on business card would be able to improve the communication in personal-social activity, and the formation of interpersonal attraction was used as a measurement. There were two stages in the study. The first stage was to find the user need for the design of AR business card. Interpersonal attraction theories and ‘The theory of Face and Favor’ were being used as analyzing tools to explore the social interaction in business relationship. In addition, user data were collected by Focus Group and Culture Probe, and was discussed in a Brainstorming to come up with the idea showing on AR business card. The final outcome in the first stage was an interactive AR business card prototype. The second stage was the implementation of an experiment. The independent variables were the different types of Persona and different information types on business card, while the dependent variables were social attraction and task attraction. The research findings showed that the formation of social attraction was associated with the personal information shown on AR business card, while the formation of task attraction was associated with career information shown on AR business card. In addition, different types of information shown on AR business card would also have different interpersonal attraction effects on two kinds of Persona. Recommendations for the future design on AR business card were discussed at the end of this thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159107