標題: 好萊塢電影全球在地化的中國因素 ------以《鋼鐵人3》為例
The China factor in the glocalization of Hollywood – A case study of “Iron Man 3”
作者: 紀舒涵
Wei, Ti
關鍵字: 好萊塢電影;中國元素;華人形象;全球在地化;Hollywood movies;China factor;Chinese image;glocalization
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 好萊塢電影挾帶著政治經濟的優勢,順利地進入各地電影市場,儼然成為全球電影龍頭。但中國近年來的崛起,迅速成為全球第二大電影市場,讓好萊塢不得不重視中國。然而中國特殊的政治環境,使好萊塢進入中國並非相當順利。 本研究以中國/華人形象與中國特供版的角度來探討好萊塢進入中國後的演變,發現中國/華人形象在好萊塢電影中越來越趨正面,但參與演出的華人演員卻始終脫離不了武打形象。而《鋼鐵人3》中國特供版的推出看似受到中國因素的影響,但實際上僅是一種在地化形式的嘗試之一,並且話語權仍然受到好萊塢的控制,中國僅能自主性的配合。中國與華人的強大及專業形象在中國特供版中不斷被強調,但卻只有中國觀眾看得見。 整體而言,中國元素的操作僅是好萊塢全球化中,商業考量下的產物,並非中國真的影響好萊塢本身的體系。好萊塢仍然以其本身的演變方式收編中國元素,企圖創造最大化的利益。
With the political and economic advantages, Hollywood movies have entered and dominated global market successfully for decades. In recent years, as the rise of China, China rapidly occupied the second place of worldwide movie market, which forced Hollywood to confront China market. However, due to the special political context of China, Hollywood faced difficulties in entering China movie market. The research explores the new turn of Hollywood in the view of Chinese image and Chinese version. As the Hollywood entered China market, the result indicates that the Chinese image is more and more positive but always in the fighting role-playing. Meanwhile, the case study shows that Chinese version of “Iron Man 3” which seems affected by the China factor is actually an attempt of glocalization. Furthermore, the discourse power is still under control of Hollywood, China market can only coordinate independently. Hollywood emphasizes the powerfulness and professional of Chinese image to only China market. In sum, the China factor is basically commercial result in the Hollywood’s globalization strategies, which there is no new turn by China effect in Hollywood evolution but the China factor is embodied into Hollywood to maximize the market value.