Title: | 品牌聯盟策略對品牌權益之影響:以品牌體驗與品牌依附為雙中介變項之模型驗證 The impact of brand alliance on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attachment |
Authors: | 黃大豪 Huang, Da-Hou 林慧斐 Lin, Hui-Fei 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 公仔玩偶;品牌聯盟;品牌權益;情感依附;體驗;調查;figure;brand alliance;brand equity;emotional attachment;experience;on-line survey |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 促銷的效益一直以來備受爭議。有些學者認為促銷無法為品牌帶來正面的效益,有些學者則持有不同的意見。基於此,本研究旨在探討品牌聯盟策略的忠誠方案對於品牌權益的影響,研究目的錨定於三點:(1)檢驗品牌聯盟式忠誠方案的正向品牌利益是否有助於提升品牌權益;(2)品牌聯盟式忠誠方案的品牌利益與品牌權益之間的關係,品牌體驗與品牌依附是否扮演中介的角色;(3)釐清品牌聯盟式忠誠方案的品牌利益、品牌體驗、品牌依附、以及品牌權益四者之關係。本研究以參與零售商品牌聯盟式忠誠方案的消費者為分析單位,採用質性深入訪談法與調查研究法兩種研究取向進行資料收集與模型驗證。深入訪談總共訪談了五位廣告行銷相關的實務工作者,與經由線上問卷調查系統收集了481份有效問卷。統計工具則是採用Lisrel8.8進行結構方程模式分析。
本研究共有三點發現:(1)當消費者參與品牌聯盟式忠誠方案,知覺正向的品牌利益有助於提升品牌權益;(2)品牌依附中介了品牌利益與品牌權益之間的關係,品牌體驗的中介效果則不顯著;(3)模型適配指標達到標準,數據與假設模型相吻合。最後,本研究針對研究價值與管理意涵進行討論。整體而言,本研究證實了品牌聯盟式忠誠方案有助於提升品牌權益,且品牌依附在品牌利益與品牌權益之間扮演中介的角色。未來實務工作者可妥善運用品牌聯盟式忠誠方案對於品牌的正面效益,為品牌帶來競爭優勢,誘因的設計則應該以體驗與依附這兩個架構做為參考依據,藉以提高消費者的參與意願,而佐以廣告進行忠誠方案的宣傳則可達到相互加乘的正面效果。 “Can sales promotion contribute to brand equity?” has been a question for scholars over the past years. Some argue that sales promotion might erode brand equity, and others hold opposite opinion. Based on these debates, the current study was to examine the effect of brand alliance on brand equity. Further, the mental process by which consumers react to incentives was also examined. Specifically, the current study aimed to three purposes: (1) to examine the relationship between loyalty programs and brand equity; (2) to examine whether brand experience and brand attachment, as mediating roles, mediate the relationship between brand benefit and brand equity; (3) to examine whether the proposed model fits data set well. Based on these research purposes, the author interviewed 5 practitioners and conducted an on-line survey (N=481). The result demonstrated: (1) while consumers engage in LPs with brand alliance, brand benefit has positive impact on brand equity; (2) brand attachment plays a mediating role between brand benefit and brand equity, but the effect of brand experience doesn’t exist; (3) the proposed model fit the data set well. In other words, the current study demonstrated that brand alliance has positive impact on brand equity through brand attachment. Brand alliance would be a powerful weapon to differentiate focal brand with others and make long-term profit for companies. The theoretical and managerial implications were discussed. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/125710 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |