DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Thi Khueen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Bao - Shuh Paulen_US
dc.description.abstractIt is apparent that in about every 10 years a new mobile generation appears. Current trends in mobile technology are centered around the 4G LTE and a possible migration towards 5G networks otherwise known as Tactile Internet. 5G is now the next major phase of wireless communication standards beyond the current 4G/IMT-Advanced standards even though 5G specifications are yet to be described in any published official document by the telecommunication standardization body. This thesis work is designed to carry out a comprehensive survey into 4G/LTE Technologies and to introduce fundamental information on the current trends. In order to highlight some of the technical capabilities, a detailed reference is made to testing and measurements carried out in the NCTU Broadband Mobile Lab (BML) which consist of a four stage test bed. To evaluate QoS of Video streaming for real time applications I have carried out a hands on testing and measurement on video streaming using 4G LTE systems with emphasis on Packet loss and Jitter. I have also given an overview on associated challenges with emphasis on core technologies for the current generation and those that require attention in future migrations to the next Generation Technologies - beyond 4G/5G. Finally at the end of this survey, I was able to assess the cellular operators in my country with a view to be able to make reasonable suggestion in the event of choosing a vendor with particular focus on the nature of Vietnamese telecoms market and current deployments by the operators.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract依目前的趨勢來看,大約每10年就有新一代的行動通訊系統出現。而現今行動通訊技術集中於4G/LTE,並朝5G網路邁進。儘管5G規格尚未由電信標準化團體在任何公開的官方文件中描述,5G技術已超越了當前的4G/IMT-Advanced的標準,是下一個世代無線通訊技術的主要的標準。本論文旨在為4G/ LTE技術進行全面的調查,並介紹目前無線通訊技術之趨勢。除相關之技術介紹外,本論文還詳述交大寬頻移動實驗室(BML)四階段測試平台所開發之量測技術;為評估即時應用視訊流量的服務品質,亦進行了視訊流量在4G/LTE系統的量測,並針對封包遺失與擾動進行量測。本論文亦提出了現階段無線通訊技術的相關挑戰,以及將來轉移到下一代需要特別注意的技術。最後,總結本論文之研究,將用以評估越南的電信運營商,以期在越南電信市場上,以及目前部署的運營商,能夠作出合理的建議,以選擇適合的供應商。en_US
dc.subjectLTE/ LTE-A,4G,4G,5G,移動雲計算的核心技術zh_TW
dc.subjectLTE/LTE-A, 4G, core technology of 4G, 5G,Mobile Cloud Computingen_US
dc.subjecteNB Vendors : Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, Alcatelen_US
dc.titleA Survey of 4G / LTE Technologies and the Challenges in Migrating to beyond 4G/5Gen_US