標題: 誘因導向之網路頻寬資源分配
Allocating internet bandwidth: An incentive-based approach.
作者: 林政弘
Lin, Cheng-Hung
Chen, Wen-Chin
關鍵字: 頻寬;績效指標;誘因;bandwidth;key performance indicator;incentives
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究的目的是在既有頻寬預算內,如何進行公平妥善的分配,避免使用單位因為頻寬不足的問題向資訊單位提出抱怨。因為頻寬本身的侷限性,使得資訊單位無法準確得知頻寬實際使用情形,需要仰賴使用單位提供資訊來進行決策。由於雙方存在著資訊不對稱,在資訊單位無法進行有效稽核的情況之下,使用單位便有可能透過虛報頻寬需求量的方式來爭取更多的預算,從而造成分配不公的情形。本論文希望透過設計一個積點制度,並將該積點制度與績效指標進行結合,藉以誘使使用單位誠實回報資訊,藉以達到公平分配頻寬資源之目的。
This paper investigates how to allocate bandwidth resources to different departments within a company. Resource allocation is always controversial because the resource is limited and more importantly, the information of real need is asymmetric. This is also true to allocate internet bandwidth. We propose an incentive-based mechanism that induces departments truthfully report their need. This mechanism can help fairly and effectively allocate the bandwidth.
Appears in Collections:Thesis