標題: 台灣POS廠商的國際化策略 – 以Posiflex振樺電子為例
Internationalize Strategy:Case studies of POSIFLEX POS firms in Taiwan
作者: 陳啟明
Chen, Chi Ming
關鍵字: POS;POS
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究是以振樺電子為例POS產業的國際化策略研究。POS為工業電腦產業中的一條應用分枝,少量多樣、高毛利的產業特性,始終不乏競爭者不但為數眾多且有著早已全球化跨國的大廠 HP、NEC、IBM在這個產業市場中經營。 故藉由透過研究POS產業中振樺電子的國際化策略,歸納推導出一家源自電腦硬體廠進入這個產業在眾多且強大的競爭者中國際化策略、目標及方向。環顧國內的學術研究POS產業中較常見為應用技術的發展探討,對國際化歷程進行蒐集分析相對是較少的。 研究結果不敢妄言能給做為進行國際化策略的企業參考,而是冀望在中東、中國低價市場興起取代歐洲、北美等飽和衰退市場挑戰著產業特性少量多樣、高毛利定律之際,因而回顧POS產業國際化歷程的環境條件、資源運用找出市場轉變中實際可行的目標、策略。
The main purpose of this thesis is to figure out the international strategy of POS companies in Taiwan, by studying the case of POSIFLEX. POS is one branch of industrial computer applications, which carries the characteristics of ‘small-volume and high-variety’. n this market, there are many strong and global competitors, such as HP, NEC, and IBM, which have been positioning themselves in this market alreay. POSIFLEX is a local corporation who entered POS market as an experienced computer hardware company. We look into its case and find out how it sets up direction and strategy when moving to the international stage, especially under this intensive competition environemnt. The existing domestic academic studies on POS industry focus more on the applications of technology instead of analyzing the process of internationalization, which makes this research more valuable. When Middle East and China have risen as low cost segments are gradually replacing the saturated markets of European and North American markets, the rule of high margin and small-volume, high-variety is being challenged. By reviewing the process and environmental conditions of internationalization, this research figures out the way how to use resources on hand, and provides some practical goal-setting and possible strategies on this various and changing market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis